How well did this age?
Not well.
What did that latest study show? That all the lockdowns only decreased the death rate by 0.2%, IIRC.
I'm not sure if that's entirely true. I do think something had to be done to flatten the curve enough to not overwhelm the medical sector. I don't know if we're far enough along with our COVID response to do an effective analysis on what we did, but some things are pretty evident...
- Protect the most vulnerable first.
- In a large economy, some production should never be off-shored. We need to decide what.
- In many cases, we had beds, but not staff or supplies. We need to do better.
- When the government did provide field hospitals or ships, they were vastly underutilized. Why?
- When trying to slow down a pandemic, maybe open borders are not a good idea.
- You can't continue to pump fiat money into an economy and not expect inflation.
- Remote learning does not work well for education.
- Emergency powers granted to the government should be fleeting and automatically revocable.
That's just a few off the top of my head...
A blog post on the JH study...