The economy in Afghanistan was already weak and flimsy before the war, and was mainly propped up by US operations there for the last 20 years. Tangible cash in the country was basically controlled by the US and international financial institutions (literally being flown in on crates) and with the US' recent pull out that happened over a matter of weeks, that basically cut off the cash supply (banks are closed, citizens can't get their money) and jobs throughout the country evaporated overnight.
I recently listened to an on-the-ground podcast (link here) there about the conditions in cities (and rural areas) and it is nearly impossible to describe the heart wrenching pain as parents described watching their children starve to death, and the looming disaster of millions and millions likely to starve to death.
One argument is the disaster in the country highlights why the Taliban cannot govern. Another argument is the US has a moral responsibility to provide aid. With all things, I'm sure the correct argument is a combination of all the others...but as a parent of a 1 and 3 year old, stories hit me differently now about kids starving to death.