CDC COVID case fatality rate
On May 15th, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in the US published its official estimate – 0.26%, although it doesn’t come right out and say it. Rather, it estimates the case fatality rate (CFR) for different age groups:
0-49 year-olds: 0.05%
50-64 year-olds: 0.2%
65+ years-old: 1.3%
Mean CFR: 0.4%Grasp that. It means if you are under 64 and get COVID you have a 99.8% chance of living.
Am I reading that right?
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How do those numbers square with our "controlled studies" like the diamond princess? Doesn't seem like they do.
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@wtg said in CDC COVID case fatality rate:
There's death. And there's sick, and really sick.....
For the same age groups:
- How many people are hospitalized?
- How many end up in the ICU?
- How many have ongoing problems after being sick (whether they were hospitalized or not)?
If this disease is a protean as I think it is, you won't have the answer to #3 for a long time.
I believe the overall hospitalization rate is less than 10% of those who are symptomatic (too lazy to look it up), and only about 20% of those end up in the ICU (too lazy to look that up as well).
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@wtg said in CDC COVID case fatality rate:
There's death. And there's sick, and really sick.....
For the same age groups:
- How many people are hospitalized?
- How many end up in the ICU?
- How many have ongoing problems after being sick (whether they were hospitalized or not)?
If this disease is a protean as I think it is, you won't have the answer to #3 for a long time.
I believe the overall hospitalization rate is less than 10% of those who are symptomatic (too lazy to look it up), and only about 20% of those end up in the ICU (too lazy to look that up as well).
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In a national scale, it would mean 10% of the population has had it.
For NYC, there had been predictions in April that up to 20% of the population had had COVID.
It would be logical to assume an even higher percentage by now as the case counts have increased. Let’s say 25% or 2,125,000 cases. 22000 deaths divided by 2125000 would be 1.035%
That’s the problem when you try to apply a national average (and I’m not agreeing to the national average or the math that brought us to that number) to a localized outbreak. Especially for a disease that seems to have several strains of various magnitude.
I am suggesting that a 1% CFR in NYC is plausible and it’s plausible for other outbreaks to have a lower CFR. But bringing it down to.26% seems difficult to believe!
Right but also it’s not just any localized outbreak. It is the main outbreak, still accounting for 1/5 of cases and deaths in the US.
Seems like you can’t really say “my model is what’s really going on, that stuff in NYC? Not sure what’s up with that. Must be an aberration”.
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