The Kyle Rittenhouse trial in Kenosha
@improviso I hope so!
Bari Weiss breaks it down pretty well.
Lot of chatter on FB how Rittenhouse was never threatened and a skateboard is not a weapon.
From a few years ago:
I don’t find that funny at all…
More of a depressing truth-bomb, depressing mostly because the culture won't/can't see it and the indoctrination against seeing it progresses unabated.
@horace said in The Kyle Rittenhouse trial in Kenosha:
More of a depressing truth-bomb, depressing mostly because the culture won't/can't see it and the indoctrination against seeing it progresses unabated.
Depressing truth-bomb?
Yeah, you're right...
And there is your mistrial…
Also, a major issue is the low-quality video proffered to the defense, when the state had the original hi-def video.
Go full screen and look at the difference.
Why didn't the state give the original video to the defense?
Link to video -
By the way, this is a fun live-stream of 9 lawyers talking about the trial:
Link to video