The Kyle Rittenhouse trial in Kenosha
From way back in July:
The Kenosha County DA's office is a hot mess, and has been for a while.
We were also tipped off that T. Clair Binger has been living, at least in small lengths at a time, with one of his best friends, Kenosha Judge Chad Kerkman (D). We aren’t able to tell you if they are still living together or for how long. We reached T. Clair by email and during a fiery exchange, he refused to answer our questions about his living arrangements, instead calling this publication cowardly. We also reached out to Judge Kerkman who didn’t wish to comment. Kerkman was recently elected for another 6 years.
So many people are so performative over the race narrative.
Imagine if KH were a black teenager.
<pregnant pause line break>
<pregnant pause line break>That's it. That's the tweet.
<fixes presumed audience with an icy stare>meanwhile, she is preaching to a choir of progressive white females and feminized men. That's the audience that gets chills when a black person performs those sorts of words for them. The rest of us roll our eyes, and some of us even realize the blatant racism involved in those performances. Idiots.
@improviso I hope so!
Bari Weiss breaks it down pretty well.
Lot of chatter on FB how Rittenhouse was never threatened and a skateboard is not a weapon.
From a few years ago:
I don’t find that funny at all…
More of a depressing truth-bomb, depressing mostly because the culture won't/can't see it and the indoctrination against seeing it progresses unabated.
@horace said in The Kyle Rittenhouse trial in Kenosha:
More of a depressing truth-bomb, depressing mostly because the culture won't/can't see it and the indoctrination against seeing it progresses unabated.
Depressing truth-bomb?
Yeah, you're right...
And there is your mistrial…