Alec Baldwin what the fuck
There are plenty of reasons to think that Alec Baldwin is a horrible person. If you need another, here you go:
Alec Baldwin requested a wrongful death lawsuit filed against him by the family of Halyna Hutchins be dismissed with prejudice on Thursday.
"The loss of a daughter and sister is undoubtedly painful in any circumstance," lawyers for the actor wrote in court documents obtained by Fox News Digital. "Yet Plaintiffs – who had been distanced from Halyna physically, financially, and emotionally for years before her death – have no viable cause of action against Defendants. This action is especially misguided."
Baldwin's legal team specifically noted that the plaintiff has to be married to the decedent in California law to receive compensation for a wrongful death. Additionally, the lawyers argued Hutchins' family could not prove a "sufficiently close relationship" with the cinematographer, which is necessary under New Mexico law.
@Jolly said in Alec Baldwin what the fuck:
@LuFins-Dad said in Alec Baldwin what the fuck:
@Jolly said in Alec Baldwin what the fuck:
@jon-nyc said in Alec Baldwin what the fuck:
Negligent homicide is a crime.
I don’t know what the standard for it is in CA, but I could easily imagine this rising to it. Perhaps for more than one person on the set.
On who's part?
Not Baldwin's.
Don’t forget that Baldwin’s culpability goes beyond being an actor. As producer he could be held responsible.
It would have to be recklessness or negligence. I think since he is not the one responsible for the prop gun and has hired a person to take care of those details, negligence is a high hill to climb.
Well, they couldn't climb it.
The decision to dismiss charges against Baldwin is being made after new evidence came to the attention of investigators indicating the gun used in the shooting had been modified, a source familiar with the investigation told CNN.
They’re just figuring this shit out now?
Could still be charged:
He denies pulling the trigger, but a forensic analysis found the pistol could not have been fired without the trigger being pulled.
The special prosecutors on the case, Kari Morrissey and Jason Lewis, commissioned a new forensic examination of the gun and have been waiting on the results before deciding whether to refile the charges. The report, by Lucien and Michael Haag, was submitted to them earlier this month and released Tuesday in a public court filing.
The experts reconstructed the gun, which had been broken during earlier testing by the FBI, and concluded that it could only have been fired by a pull of the trigger.
“This fatal incident was the consequence of the hammer being manually retracted to its fully rearward and cocked position followed, at some point, by the pull or rearward depression of the trigger,” the report concluded. “Although Alec Baldwin repeatedly denies pulling the trigger, given the tests, findings and observations reported here, the trigger had to be pulled or depressed sufficiently to release the fully cocked or retracted hammer of the evidence revolver.”
@George-K said in Alec Baldwin what the fuck:
He denies pulling the trigger, but a forensic analysis found the pistol could not have been fired without the trigger being pulled.
He may not remember pulling the trigger. Another data point on why sometimes eyewitness evidence is not always so good.
I read a book by a guy who was the former head of the New York police IAD department for a long time.
They had to investigate all police shootings, and one of the interesting things is that they would interview a policeman about how many shots were fired. They (for example) may say that three shots were fired, when in reality, the number was 15-20. In the heat of the moment, things happen that the brain does not compute.
@taiwan_girl said in Alec Baldwin what the fuck:
things happen that the brain does not compute.
D2 is a clinical psychologist (Doctorate in such). We have talked about this, and this is a common thing that she sees. What one sees does not necessarily agree with what one remembers.
The gun has been refitted. The sear geometry is no longer the same. In a mechanical situation where a bit of sandpaper can change the trigger pull by several pounds, who can say whether a reconstruction did not take a firearm with an unsafe trigger , into a firearm with a light trigger pull?
@George-K said in Alec Baldwin what the fuck:
@Jolly said in Alec Baldwin what the fuck:
The gun has been refitted.
I was wondering about that.
Somewhere, I read (heard?) that the pull on the refitted pistol was two pounds. Is that typical? A lot? A little?
Pretty low for a single-action handgun, except competition stuff. I think the Colt Custom Shop will adjust them down to that, but the Colt factory guns shipped at 3.5 to almost 5 pounds. I have heard of some Italian imports with pretty light triggers in the 2-2.5 pound range.
To me, anything under three is getting too light for everyday work.
Grand Jury, meet ham sandwich.