Lab Leak?
The only way Covid impacted the election was no excuse mail in ballots and early voting.
Would knowing earlier have any effect on the Presidential election?
I dont think so. I think the one major reason for President Trump losing in the election was his response to the COVID.
Knowing how it came from (probably) would not have changed his response.
(Another major reason for the loss was the economy, but the economy would have been bad no matter where the virus came from. And yes, I agree that the economy going bad was not the fault of President Trump)
The only way Covid impacted the election was no excuse mail in ballots and early voting.
@lufins-dad said in Lab Leak?:
The only way Covid impacted the election was no excuse mail in ballots and early voting.
Don't forget that all the dead people vote Democrat, and a ton of people died from Covid. Hence, President Biden.
Also, Covid killed more people than windmills killed birds, and Trump still complained more about the windmills than he did about Covid. So maybe some people thought 'What a twat, I'm voting Democrat! Fuck the birds!'.
Or maybe that's just one of those fantasy conversations that occurs in my head.
@lufins-dad said in Lab Leak?:
The only way Covid impacted the election was no excuse mail in ballots and early voting.
Don't forget that all the dead people vote Democrat, and a ton of people died from Covid. Hence, President Biden.
Also, Covid killed more people than windmills killed birds, and Trump still complained more about the windmills than he did about Covid. So maybe some people thought 'What a twat, I'm voting Democrat! Fuck the birds!'.
Or maybe that's just one of those fantasy conversations that occurs in my head.
@doctor-phibes said in Lab Leak?:
@lufins-dad said in Lab Leak?:
The only way Covid impacted the election was no excuse mail in ballots and early voting.
Don't forget that all the dead people vote Democrat, and a ton of people died from Covid. Hence, President Biden.
Also, Covid killed more people than windmills killed birds, and Trump still complained more about the windmills than he did about Covid. So maybe some people thought 'What a twat, I'm voting Democrat! Fuck the birds!'.
Or maybe that's just one of those fantasy conversations that occurs in my head.
Seriously? I doubt many votes were changed by COVID. I do think there were a lot of people that did vote by mail that wouldn’t have voted if life was normal...
@doctor-phibes said in Lab Leak?:
@lufins-dad said in Lab Leak?:
The only way Covid impacted the election was no excuse mail in ballots and early voting.
Don't forget that all the dead people vote Democrat, and a ton of people died from Covid. Hence, President Biden.
Also, Covid killed more people than windmills killed birds, and Trump still complained more about the windmills than he did about Covid. So maybe some people thought 'What a twat, I'm voting Democrat! Fuck the birds!'.
Or maybe that's just one of those fantasy conversations that occurs in my head.
Seriously? I doubt many votes were changed by COVID. I do think there were a lot of people that did vote by mail that wouldn’t have voted if life was normal...
@doctor-phibes said in Lab Leak?:
@lufins-dad said in Lab Leak?:
The only way Covid impacted the election was no excuse mail in ballots and early voting.
Don't forget that all the dead people vote Democrat, and a ton of people died from Covid. Hence, President Biden.
Also, Covid killed more people than windmills killed birds, and Trump still complained more about the windmills than he did about Covid. So maybe some people thought 'What a twat, I'm voting Democrat! Fuck the birds!'.
Or maybe that's just one of those fantasy conversations that occurs in my head.
Seriously? I doubt many votes were changed by COVID. I do think there were a lot of people that did vote by mail that wouldn’t have voted if life was normal...
Would knowing earlier have any effect on the Presidential election?
It might have if Trump hadn’t been so flippant to just call it the China flu and rather presented evidence and a cogent story. But he was too lazy and rather than lever the brain power of others just spouted.
Wouldn't have mattered if had done a striptease in Time Square with the evidence tatooed on his butt.
If you haven't figured out this cover-up by know, you ain't trying....This was obvious within the first few months.
Wouldn't have mattered if had done a striptease in Time Square with the evidence tatooed on his butt.
If you haven't figured out this cover-up by know, you ain't trying....This was obvious within the first few months.
His China Flu sounded more like Obama birther than a real allegation. I never heard him make one disciplined argument on the topic.
Wouldn't have mattered if had done a striptease in Time Square with the evidence tatooed on his butt.
If you haven't figured out this cover-up by know, you ain't trying....This was obvious within the first few months.
His China Flu sounded more like Obama birther than a real allegation. I never heard him make one disciplined argument on the topic.
Seems that the Brits are part of the debunked conspiracy theory nuts:
British intelligence services are now reportedly reassessing their position on the theory that COVID-19 leaked from a lab in China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology.
A Sunday report from the Sunday Times of London quotes British spies who initially dismissed the lab leak theory, but now say it is "feasible."
"There might be pockets of evidence that take us one way, and evidence that takes us another way," the paper quoted a source as saying. "The Chinese will lie either way. I don’t think we will ever know."
The quote comes as both the United States and Britain are stepping up calls for the World Health Organization to take a deeper look into the possible origins of COVID-19, including a new visit to China, where the first human infections were detected.
WHO and Chinese experts issued a first report in March that laid out four hypotheses about how the pandemic might have emerged. The joint team said the most likely scenario was that the coronavirus jumped into people from bats via an intermediary animal, and the prospect that it erupted from a laboratory was deemed "extremely unlikely."
The Biden administration wants to step up calls for China to be more open about the outbreak, aiming to head off complaints from opposition Republican senators that the president has not been tough enough, as well as to use the opportunity to press China on alleged obstruction.
Republicans, including former President Donald Trump, have promoted the theory that the virus emerged from a laboratory accident rather than naturally through human contact with an infected animal in China.
During an interview with CBS’ ‘Face The Nation’ on Sunday, former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said accidental lab leaks "happen all the time."
But...Orange Man Bad.
And that, my friends, is almost as big a story. I don't know how the "lab leak" story will end, but the fact that it was so blatantly suppressed by "scientists," the MSM and social media is a disgrace.
Where have we gone, now that even asking a question is verboten.
Like everything in the US, it has to be seen as being a Democrat or Republic issue. Why??
Please answer me this: If there was absolute proof a year ago that the COVID was the product of a Chinese laboratory, how would that have changed President Trumps (and the US) response to the pandemic?
How would it have changed the world response?
It seems very nave to think that this information was "suppressed" for some reason.
There WAS absolute proof a year ago that China was hiding the severity of the outbreak, the timing of the outbreak, and had silenced quite a few Chinese scientists and Doctors. There was also absolute proof that WHO knowingly assisted China in the coverup.
We responded appropriately by ending our funding of WHO. Of course, Uncle Joe gave them the money again plus interest...
There WAS absolute proof a year ago that China was hiding the severity of the outbreak, the timing of the outbreak, and had silenced quite a few Chinese scientists and Doctors. There was also absolute proof that WHO knowingly assisted China in the coverup.
We responded appropriately by ending our funding of WHO. Of course, Uncle Joe gave them the money again plus interest...
@lufins-dad said in Lab Leak?:
There WAS absolute proof a year ago that China was hiding the severity of the outbreak, the timing of the outbreak, and had silenced quite a few Chinese scientists and Doctors. There was also absolute proof that WHO knowingly assisted China in the coverup.
We responded appropriately by ending our funding of WHO. Of course, Uncle Joe gave them the money again plus interest...
I agree with what you said, It is for sure that China was/is covering up stuff.
But I am interested to see see peoples opinions on how they think things would have changed in the US (or the world) if we knew for sure that COVID was caused by a lab leak vs. natural occurring.
The last few posts seem to say that there was a coverup in the US about the origins of the COVID. What would this have changed? Would President Trumps response have been different? Would the world response have been different?
@lufins-dad said in Lab Leak?:
There WAS absolute proof a year ago that China was hiding the severity of the outbreak, the timing of the outbreak, and had silenced quite a few Chinese scientists and Doctors. There was also absolute proof that WHO knowingly assisted China in the coverup.
We responded appropriately by ending our funding of WHO. Of course, Uncle Joe gave them the money again plus interest...
I agree with what you said, It is for sure that China was/is covering up stuff.
But I am interested to see see peoples opinions on how they think things would have changed in the US (or the world) if we knew for sure that COVID was caused by a lab leak vs. natural occurring.
The last few posts seem to say that there was a coverup in the US about the origins of the COVID. What would this have changed? Would President Trumps response have been different? Would the world response have been different?
@taiwan_girl said in Lab Leak?:
But I am interested to see see peoples opinions on how they think things would have changed in the US (or the world) if we knew for sure that COVID was caused by a lab leak vs. natural occurring.
If it was obvious that the virus was naturally occurring, and therefore equally obvious that anybody thinking it was manmade in China was a laughable conspiracy theorist, then Trump and his supporters could be marginalized as laughable conspiracy theorists. And, of course, also racist.
A China-made virus would have made people in America circle the wagons a little bit more than they did. Battles against nature are accepted as normal, but a battle against a disease created by a geopolitical adversary would have brought American culture together, if only a little bit. It would have been good for Trump.
Like everything in the US, it has to be seen as being a Democrat or Republic issue. Why??
Please answer me this: If there was absolute proof a year ago that the COVID was the product of a Chinese laboratory, how would that have changed President Trumps (and the US) response to the pandemic?
How would it have changed the world response?
It seems very nave to think that this information was "suppressed" for some reason.
@taiwan_girl said in Lab Leak?:
Like everything in the US, it has to be seen as being a Democrat or Republic issue. Why??
Please answer me this: If there was absolute proof a year ago that the COVID was the product of a Chinese laboratory, how would that have changed President Trumps (and the US) response to the pandemic?
How would it have changed the world response?
It seems very nave to think that this information was "suppressed" for some reason.