Lab Leak?
He certainly did not invent “gain of function” and if you really cared there is an incredible amount of info on that topic.
That's not my point. The point is that he said the risks of going through a pandemic would be worth it to gain the knowledge.
"“Scientists working in this field might say – as indeed I have said – that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks."
He certainly did not invent “gain of function” and if you really cared there is an incredible amount of info on that topic.
That's not my point. The point is that he said the risks of going through a pandemic would be worth it to gain the knowledge.
"“Scientists working in this field might say – as indeed I have said – that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks."
He certainly did not invent “gain of function” and if you really cared there is an incredible amount of info on that topic.
That's not my point. The point is that he said the risks of going through a pandemic would be worth it to gain the knowledge.
"“Scientists working in this field might say – as indeed I have said – that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks."
Got it.. so probably half the scientists looking at gain of function support it using Fauci’s reasoning and half don’t.
And now suddenly this is a “bombshell”. I feel like people assume readers are idiots, and they are probably more right than wrong.
He certainly did not invent “gain of function” and if you really cared there is an incredible amount of info on that topic.
That's not my point. The point is that he said the risks of going through a pandemic would be worth it to gain the knowledge.
"“Scientists working in this field might say – as indeed I have said – that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks."
Got it.. so probably half the scientists looking at gain of function support it using Fauci’s reasoning and half don’t.
And now suddenly this is a “bombshell”. I feel like people assume readers are idiots, and they are probably more right than wrong.
@loki the question is simple: "Now, with more than half a million dead Americans, and, what, 3 million dead around the planet, do you still think it was 'worth it'?"
Of course, this question is moot, because of the wet markets, right?
@loki the question is simple: "Now, with more than half a million dead Americans, and, what, 3 million dead around the planet, do you still think it was 'worth it'?"
Of course, this question is moot, because of the wet markets, right?
Believe it or not this is not a simple question. The world failed the pandemic test and it was gentle in terms of only killing a vulnerable population. We got our warning. But of course when you can’t a significant group to wear masks or get vaccines, the warning likely didn’t help as much as it should of.
Many of those deaths could have been prevented by vaccinating at risk groups a month or two even early….some would say preventing a second Trump term was worth it.
There is malevolence everywhere and picking on Fauci is a red herring and honestly irrelevant to any real question we should be asking.
Fauci's toast.
The highest paid government worker in the country is a dead job walking. He just doesn't realize it, yet. The media that fawned on his every word and promoted the Trump=dolt story, is fixing to turn on him like a ravening wolf.
CNN and PMSNBC will try to pin this one on Trump, but it ain't sticking. Too many smoking guns pointed Fauci's way...Didn't help that he flat lied to Dr. Paul, either.
It would be interesting to ask him how he views his earlier statement, but it's still only an academic question unless accompanied by policy changes.
I agree with Loki that the real deal here is China.
The coverup is indisputable and was known last year. That’s more than enough cause for international sanctions.
Not sure if this one has been posted - Medium
Thank you. While the article leans in one direction, I learned quite a bit. Of course it would be great to see China refute the points….if ever there warranted a “commission” to look at things this is it. Schumer, Pelloni, Schiff, Buehler?????
Not sure if this one has been posted - Medium
Thank you. While the article leans in one direction, I learned quite a bit. Of course it would be great to see China refute the points….if ever there warranted a “commission” to look at things this is it. Schumer, Pelloni, Schiff, Buehler?????
Not sure if this one has been posted - Medium
Thank you. While the article leans in one direction, I learned quite a bit. Of course it would be great to see China refute the points….if ever there warranted a “commission” to look at things this is it. Schumer, Pelloni, Schiff, Buehler?????
Early on I was thinking it was 2/3 that the lab had something to do with it. Now, I'm pretty close to a 95% certain that the lab was responsible.
I believe this was a link from the long article: this was published in March, 2020:
"Nature magazine has censored over 1,000 articles at the request of the Chinese government over the past several years, and runs columns sponsored by outside interests. And it seems pretty clear that their recent article, “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2” is just one more example of their influence. China bought off the head of Harvard’s chemistry department, you don’t think they could buy off run-of-the-mill research scientists scrambling for tenure and funding and publication? It’s absolutely horrific that so many scientists and researchers are taking part in what’s really clearly a disinformation campaign orchestrated by the Chinese Communist Party, and willfully spreading a smokescreen about something that’s already killed thousands and is projected to kill millions more across the planet."And while the mainstream corporate media mindless regurgitates claims from the Chinese government that are falsifiable with the simplest of google searches, allowing the public to be lulled into a false sense of security and complacency, and Reddit rapidly censors and moderates anything that might indicate that this virus leaked from a Chinese lab and so the Chinese government is to blame for this pandemic – sites like ZeroHedge, that have been at the forefront of keeping the lines of investigation open, have been banished from Twitter and marginalized."
Hey George, how do you make the text smaller when quoting?
And that, my friends, is almost as big a story. I don't know how the "lab leak" story will end, but the fact that it was so blatantly suppressed by "scientists," the MSM and social media is a disgrace.
Where have we gone, now that even asking a question is verboten.