Asian hate? Seriously?
I'm getting fed up with the White House hammering on this also. It's cheap and . . . gosh, could manipulative be the word I'm looking for?
Note to Biden: "Dear Prez: This is to notify you that there are, like, other issues on the American agenda. You feel me?"
I don’t know anybody that hates Asians, but I do know an Asian young man that believes this...
I think George nailed it on the head. My car gets egged and I think “stupid kids”, a minority gets their cars egged and they immediately think it’s racist, regardless of how many other people it happened to.
The video yesterday of the older Asian woman that was attacked feeds this narrative .
@lufins-dad said in Asian hate? Seriously?:
I don’t know anybody that hates Asians
Except other Asians.
Former colleague, when he was stationed in Hawaii, said that the most racist people he ever encountered were the Japanese.
Glenn Reynolds: "We’ve descended into some sort of bizarre hell-world in which Andrew Sullivan is the voice of sanity:"
When The Narrative Replaces The News
We have yet to find any credible evidence of anti-Asian hatred or bigotry in this man’s history. Maybe we will. We can’t rule it out. But we do know that his roommates say they once asked him if he picked the spas for sex because the women were Asian. And they say he denied it, saying he thought those spas were just the safest way to have quick sex. That needs to be checked out more. But the only piece of evidence about possible anti-Asian bias points away, not toward it.
And yet. Well, you know what’s coming. Accompanying one original piece on the known facts, the NYT ran nine — nine! — separate stories about the incident as part of the narrative that this was an anti-Asian hate crime, fueled by white supremacy and/or misogyny. Not to be outdone, the WaPo ran sixteen separate stories on the incident as an anti–Asian white supremacist hate crime. Sixteen! One story for the facts; sixteen stories on how critical race theory would interpret the event regardless of the facts. For good measure, one of their columnists denounced reporting of law enforcement’s version of events in the newspaper, because it distracted attention from the “real” motives. Today, the NYT ran yet another full-on critical theory piece disguised as news on how these murders are proof of structural racism and sexism — because some activists say they are.
Mass killers, if they are motivated by bigotry or hate, tend to let the world know:
The suspected attacker in Pittsburgh allegedly said he wanted to “kill Jews” while rampaging inside a synagogue. Police said the man charged with killing people at an El Paso Walmart told them that he was targeting “Mexicans” that day. And the man who massacred Black parishioners inside a Charleston church detailed his racist motivations at length.
This mass murderer in Atlanta actually denied any such motive, and, to repeat myself, there is no evidence for it — and that has been true from the very start. And yet, a friend forwarded me the note swiftly sent to students and faculty at Harvard, which sums up the instant view of our elite:
Many of us woke up yesterday to the horrific news of the vicious and deadly attack in Atlanta, the latest in a wave of increasing violence targeting the Asian, Asian-American, and Pacific Islander community … This violence has a history. From Chinese Exclusion to the nativist rhetoric amplified during the pandemic, anti-Asian hostility has deep roots in American culture.
And on and on. It was almost as if they had a pre-existing script to read, whatever the facts of the case!
I'm getting fed up with the White House hammering on this also. It's cheap and . . . gosh, could manipulative be the word I'm looking for?
Note to Biden: "Dear Prez: This is to notify you that there are, like, other issues on the American agenda. You feel me?"
@catseye3 said in Asian hate? Seriously?:
I'm getting fed up with the White House hammering on this also. It's cheap and . . . gosh, could manipulative be the word I'm looking for?
Note to Biden: "Dear Prez: This is to notify you that there are, like, other issues on the American agenda. You feel me?"
Whoa, don't say that last line to Joe!
@catseye3 said in Asian hate? Seriously?:
I'm getting fed up with the White House hammering on this also. It's cheap and . . . gosh, could manipulative be the word I'm looking for?
Note to Biden: "Dear Prez: This is to notify you that there are, like, other issues on the American agenda. You feel me?"
Whoa, don't say that last line to Joe!
It's deeply troubling to see a bunch of white people discussing what it's like to be Asian in America.
Ax, please tell us of your experiences with racism in America. As white people, we cannot possibly understand what it is like. All we should do is openly confess to being white, and therefore ignorant of what hatred truly looks and feels like.
Ax, these memories may be too painful to relate. I won't judge you for remaining silent for now, at least publicly. Please take time to heal, and don't forget that the only recourse we as a society have to end the hate, is to vote Democrat.
@loki said in Asian hate? Seriously?:
The TDS crowd is smoking stems and seeds now to keep the high going.
@loki said in Asian hate? Seriously?:
The TDS crowd is smoking stems and seeds now to keep the high going.
@aqua-letifer said in Asian hate? Seriously?:
@loki said in Asian hate? Seriously?:
The TDS crowd is smoking stems and seeds now to keep the high going.
Aqua I find that smiley face anti-Asian
@catseye3 said in Asian hate? Seriously?:
I'm getting fed up with the White House hammering on this also. It's cheap and . . . gosh, could manipulative be the word I'm looking for?
Note to Biden: "Dear Prez: This is to notify you that there are, like, other issues on the American agenda. You feel me?"
Whoa, don't say that last line to Joe!
@brenda said in Asian hate? Seriously?:
@catseye3 said in Asian hate? Seriously?:
Note to Biden: "Dear Prez: This is to notify you that there are, like, other issues on the American agenda. You feel me?"
Whoa, don't say that last line to Joe!
Yikes, you're right. I take it back!
@lufins-dad said in Asian hate? Seriously?:
I don’t know anybody that hates Asians
Except other Asians.
Former colleague, when he was stationed in Hawaii, said that the most racist people he ever encountered were the Japanese.
@george-k said in Asian hate? Seriously?:
@lufins-dad said in Asian hate? Seriously?:
I don’t know anybody that hates Asians
Except other Asians.
Former colleague, when he was stationed in Hawaii, said that the most racist people he ever encountered were the Japanese.
One of my old crew was half Pacific Islander (her mom was from Guam). Call her mother a Filipina by mistake and you better step back. You would have gotten off easier, if you had spit on her kitchen floor.
@xenon said in Asian hate? Seriously?:
I don’t know if I’m the right type of Asian for this one.
Anybody who isn't white has so much to teach white people about what it is to be hated in America. I guess it's the ultimate and terrible irony that white people are doomed to be uneducable on that very point. We will simply never understand - for us, it is impossible. We live in the eternal shadow of the life experiences and knowledge born thereof, of people with more melanin.
Seen on Facebook:
“So the killer wasn’t a racist, just a misogynist. That’s so much better...”
@xenon said in Asian hate? Seriously?:
I don’t know if I’m the right type of Asian for this one.
Come back here North and you'll certainly be the right type of Asian for this one.
Sad as it is, one is as good as another.
[anecdote deleted]
I had a conversation with my brother in Oregon, last night. Besides the usual family matters, he brought up a call he received from a ‘friend.’ The friend wanted to check on my brother and the family amidst rising violence toward Asian Americans. While my brother appreciated the gesture, he told his friend that it wasn’t necessary. The friend said he had been concerned about all the anti-Asian violence ever since Trump and the “China” virus rhetoric.
The friend knows my brother is a staunch conservative, so my brother got irritated. He asked the dude, what’s Trump got to do with the Georgia shootings and where was his phone call last year? The friend said he didn’t get what my brother was getting at. My brother replied that there were over 3,800 incidents of anti-Asian violence last year, yet you didn’t check on us. The friend said he didn’t know. My brother said, of course not—because no one besides us Asians cared. But now that you see a perp is a white male from the South, you start to care. You have to make this about YOU making a political statement rather than really caring about us, the Asian Americans.
My brother is correct. How can we trust and believe your sentiments when you didn’t care last year when we pleaded for assistance? The district attorneys in the Bay area and NYC acted blind to our plight. The national mainstream media didn’t lend us their ear nor their voice because the narrative didn’t fit.
But, now, you care.
As the saying goes, read it all.