Where’s the UK travel ban?
Apparently, all the Brits are pissed off because it's ruining their Christmas travel plans.
WTF, guys? Travel plans????
The UK should be applauded for their transparency.
This is a large part of why the CCP covered up Covid in the beginning.
@jon-nyc said in Where’s the UK travel ban?:
The UK should be applauded for their transparency.
The UK government has on the whole been honest and open, but rather inept.
Whenever I have had my temperature checked via the pistol to the forehead, I always ask how many people they check actually have a temperature?
The answer is typically zero. Then I ask what would you do if I did have a temp? That seems to be a confusing question.
I'd like to see some analysis of these rules. It's always half-assed, as if a bureaucrat's opinion will definitely have the intended results, not necessary to prove it was a good idea.
I'm also reminded of the questions I have been asked, such as "have you traveled outside the country in the past 30 days?" How many people that did travel outside the country admit to it, because they don't know what will happen if they are honest. Better to answer all questions with a perspective based upon what the best answers are to get you past the questionnaire. Being honest has negative consequences.
@rainman said in Where’s the UK travel ban?:
Whenever I have had my temperature checked via the pistol to the forehead, I always ask how many people they check actually have a temperature?
Yeah my gym does the forehead scanner thing. Once this summer, I asked what my temp was when I arrived...97.9 Ok, that’s seems a little low. Went out, ran for close to an hour, and asked them to scan me again. (it’s not required if you’ve already checked in that day). Temp measured 90.1.
“Yeah, they must not be like industrial grade.”
Ok, then.
The US acts week later. As if they were waiting for the Christmas travelers to get their trips in.
The Federal government announced they’ll require a negative Covid test for all international travelers.
I cannot think of anything that would entice me to travel internationally at this point.
Who the heck wants to fly?
I want very badly to travel. Just need a shot in the arm.
But we're not sure how long that immunity lasts.
True, but we’ll have a glut of vaccines by the end of the year. I’ll take an annual booster. Combine it with my flu shot.