The workout thread
Nice, Klaus! Do you always ride the same route, or do you tend to tool around?
I'm learning more about jump-rope shit. Different routines work different muscles, which only interests me insofar as I can cycle through them without stopping. I can already go about six times longer than I could a month ago, but it's my legs holding me back now. Learning how to fix that.
Nice, Klaus! Do you always ride the same route, or do you tend to tool around?
I'm learning more about jump-rope shit. Different routines work different muscles, which only interests me insofar as I can cycle through them without stopping. I can already go about six times longer than I could a month ago, but it's my legs holding me back now. Learning how to fix that.
@Aqua-Letifer said in The workout thread:
Do you always ride the same route, or do you tend to tool around?
I have a kind of "default" route that takes about 75min. The nice thing about driving the same route often is that you have a benchmark to compare with. (That said, with a powermeter it should be easier to compare efforts across different routes).
But when I have more time, I often pick new and longer routes. I often pick routes from Komoot. If it weren't for Corona, I'd also ride with a couple of other guys every few weeks.
Another short test ride from this evening. My goal was to keep an average above 230W.
It's really rather different to train with a power meter.
It's like having a slave driver who permanently whips you whenever you taper off with your power. I like it.
Sounds pretty cool. I still haven't made any progress on my jump-rope, sadly. Maybe I'm just too clumsy.
@Klaus said in The workout thread:
Sounds pretty cool. I still haven't made any progress on my jump-rope, sadly. Maybe I'm just too clumsy.
@Klaus Nonsense, my friend! You can be an oafish, goofy white guy and still make it work for you. Observe:
Link to video -
I don't quite understand how you manage to do it with such tiny jumps. Unless I jump at least a foot high or something I'm going to trip.
@Klaus said in The workout thread:
I don't quite understand how you manage to do it with such tiny jumps. Unless I jump at least a foot high or something I'm going to trip.
Nah, just practice. And the above is total crap, I have shin splints right now so "form" is right out the window.
So this has been sort of a new addition to the running hobby. I'm using site called 'CityStrides' to keep track of all the roads I've run in my (and surrounding) towns. You can connect it to Strava, MapMyWutever, etc, and it creates a 'life map' for you.
It's interesting how many roads you find in your own town that you've never been on. Ultimately, over the next few weeks/months, I plan to have run every road in my town.
The 'Heat map' feature on Strava premium can accomplish pretty much the same thing. It's just that for certain roads you've 'only' done once, the map is a little less clear.
(the thick line through here is where the local rail trail pass through--you can see I used to be there quite a bit)
I bet speed-cyclist Klaus could fly through his town pretty quickly---then on to the next!
(I do wish the site was a little less glitchy, but for what I pay---$0, I won't complain very loudly)
My back went out a week ago. No exercise. Not much sleep.
Well, then on to the next town! :man-walking:
I'll give props to anyone who can pull of the map art successfully. It's so easy to get turned around at one single spot, and screw up the design. I managed to miss a couple small sections of a neighborhood the other night, and had to go back again today and grab them. This time I actually wrote down the route and brought it with me..
@Aqua-Letifer Back pain sucks--I hope it improves soon.
I usually don't pay a lot of attention to Strava KOMs etc., but I noted that today was the first time I got a time in the top ten in my age group in a rather popular segment with several thousand participants (and ~500 in my age bracket; usually I'm at least 100 or 200 places from #1).
Damn. Had I known before that I'd have such nice tailwind I would have given everything and would have maybe had a shot at the #1 spot. My average power was only 240W; I can sustain 350W over 5min if I'm not exhausted.
I also noted that I'd be QOM, even across all age groups, with the time I got if I'd identify as a different gender. Hmm...