My cousin quit his job at the erectile dysfunction clinic.
He said he hadn't had a raise in years...
Husband: My but you’re beautiful
Waitress: why thank you sir.
Wife: Why don’t you tell her about your erectile dysfunction, Jim?
Husband: Of course, where are my manners? Allow me to introduce my erectile dysfunction, her name is Margaret.
Her: You never listen to me. You only hear what you want to hear.
Me: Sure, I’ll have a beer.
When I’m with my Spanish speaking friends I like to say “mucho”.
It means a lot to them.
I used to have a masturbation addiction but I had to stop.
It was getting out of hand...
I do my best thinking after sex...
I came to realize.
I bought a new porn DVD today and all I could see was a dark image of a fat guy holding his dong.
Then I realized the TV wasn't on.
I went to a child psychologist.
He was 7 years old......
The car salesman told me “this car will hold five people without any problems”.
I said, “Where the hell am I going to find five people without any problems.”
Go to the animal shelter to get a dog and you're a saint.
But go to the women's shelter for a new girlfriend and everybody loses their mind.
Officer: What’s that in the bottle?
Me: Oh that’s just water.
Officer: No it isn’t, it’s wine.
Me: OMG. Jesus did it again!
Housewarming parties are the number one cause of homelessness... in the Eskimo community..
@lufins-dad said in So....:
Go to the animal shelter to get a dog and you're a saint.
But go to the women's shelter for a new girlfriend and everybody loses their mind.
Well, that didn't take long for you to find the right occasion.
So.. how do you tell if a computer programmer is an introvert or an extrovert?
If he's an introvert he stares at his shoes.
If he's an extrovert, he stairs at YOUR shoes..,., -
So .... On January 1st, 12:00:01 a.m, for the first time ever, hindsight will in fact be 2020.
So... I’m sitting in ER. Don’t really want to share too many details but let’s just say the “Dyson Ball Cleaner” is a very misleading name.
So.. i accidentally sprayed deoderant in my mouth...
Now I have a strange Axe scent....