1/6 Cadillac Dealers to Close
I think my next car will be a pick up. And I’m not a contractor, farmer , or have any MAGA stickers. Just sort of bucket list kind of thing.
@bachophile said in 1/6 Cadillac Dealers to Close:
I think my next car will be a pick up. And I’m not a contractor, farmer , or have any MAGA stickers. Just sort of bucket list kind of thing.
Even after 30 years, I still love my truck. Yes, get a pickup truck. You will soon wonder why you waited so long. Get a 3/4 ton truck, not a 1/2 ton. You'll be able to haul just about anything you need to, and you will definitely be needing to do that hauling. Just think of how many cases of wine you'll be able to put in that truck bed.Get a full 8-foot bed for your truck, not one of those shorty things. Get a real truck: Full 8-foot bed, 3/4 ton, 4-wheel drive. This is the recipe for happiness. You deserve all the happiness.
@bachophile said in 1/6 Cadillac Dealers to Close:
I think my next car will be a pick up. And I’m not a contractor, farmer , or have any MAGA stickers. Just sort of bucket list kind of thing.
Even after 30 years, I still love my truck. Yes, get a pickup truck. You will soon wonder why you waited so long. Get a 3/4 ton truck, not a 1/2 ton. You'll be able to haul just about anything you need to, and you will definitely be needing to do that hauling. Just think of how many cases of wine you'll be able to put in that truck bed.Get a full 8-foot bed for your truck, not one of those shorty things. Get a real truck: Full 8-foot bed, 3/4 ton, 4-wheel drive. This is the recipe for happiness. You deserve all the happiness.
There is a reason you still see Lincoln Town Cars, which have not been built since 2011, all over cities as limos. I love them.
@Mik said in 1/6 Cadillac Dealers to Close:
There is a reason you still see Lincoln Town Cars, which have not been built since 2011, all over cities as limos. I love them.
That's what mine is, a 2011. Big, smooth, quiet, (QUIET!!) Seats like barcoloungers, and it gets 27 mpg on the interstate. All I've ever had to spend on it was for tires and oil changes.
Now about that 88 Jeep Commanche.... loved those things. Never owned one, but they were great little trucks.
@brenda said in 1/6 Cadillac Dealers to Close:
Bach, one more thing. We must have pictures of you in said truck.
Sure thing. Maybe this summer. Seems like a good time to change my car.
A pickup is more handy than an extra shirt pocket. There's a reason it has a bed and a reason it has a tow hitch.
I look at pickups in three categories:
Small half-tons, 2WD or 4WD. The Toyota Tacoma with the four-banger may be the best if the breed. Ride quality and capability may suffer - you don't want to hitch up a 18 foot trailer with a four thousand pound tractor - but gas mileage and handling are good.
Regular half -tons, 2WD or 4WD. F150, Tundra, Sierra, etc. The four door ones replace the family car for a lot of people down here, although bed capacity suffers. Never seen any sense in buying a bed so short, all you can haul is your lunchbox. Anyway, the trucks ride well, have good towing capacity if set up well and can haul a good bit.
3/4 and 1-tons, 2WD or 4WD. These are the bigger work trucks. Big V8's or diesels. Might even be duallies. These are hauling goosenecks of hay, heavy equipment, large travel trailers or doing hot shot work.
I priced some pickups last week, just for shits and grins. A basic 2020 Ram Quadcab with a 4.7L V8 was the cheapest, coming in at around $33k. Larry is right, though...You start spec'ing one up and you better reach for your wallet...
George and I live pretty close to the city in older suburbs. While streets are 2-way, with parked cars, there's often a game of chicken to sort out who goes when. It's like the streets were designed for cars that were the size of the old VW Beetle. I've got a Subaru Forester and it feels too wide. A full size pick-up isn't that practical for everyday driving. Go further out from the city - and things are a bit more open with wider streets and less congestion - easier to consider a full-size truck.
Do a long, long test drive first, Larry. I test drove their smaller SUV and just hated it. Worst designed vehicle ever. Ugly, very, very uncomfortable if you are over 5'7" and do not have birdlegs. They MKZ sedans the car services are using now suck too.
Do a long, long test drive first, Larry. I test drove their smaller SUV and just hated it. Worst designed vehicle ever. Ugly, very, very uncomfortable if you are over 5'7" and do not have birdlegs. They MKZ sedans the car services are using now suck too.
@Mik said in 1/6 Cadillac Dealers to Close:
Do a long, long test drive first, Larry. I test drove their smaller SUV and just hated it. Worst designed vehicle ever. Ugly, very, very uncomfortable if you are over 5'7" and do not have birdlegs. They MKZ sedans the car services are using now suck too.
Yes. That's why I've hung on to the Town Car. They haven't built a car since 2011 that's worth a damn except for the new Continental, and i didnt like that one enough to pay the price they want for one.
If the Mark 9 ends up a disappointment, I may just get a foreign car or some sort. George convinced me the Audis are nice, but I think if I go with a foreign car I want to turn it into a "shopping adventure" lol .. by then I won't have anything else to do... I've only owned one foreign car in my life.. it was a Volkswagen Scrirrocco back in 1982. Fast little bugger, but nothing I'd want now.
What I like about the half-ton, is the smoother ride. The 3/4 ton and up ride like a wheelbarrow. Very stiff suspension, so I wouldn't want one. But then again, I'm thinking of the difference maybe even decades ago. With all the emphasis over the years on suspension and drivetrains, my perspective might be outdated. My Audi has several drive options, I would expect the new pickups to have the same.
My concern would be reliability. I had a T-Bird that spent most of its time in the shop. Under warranty, but was just a royal pain as one thing after another would go on the fritz.
I really dig the style of the Caddy and the Lincoln (sort of). The Chrysler 300 is nice looking, but has a reputation as being junk, like my T-Bird.
I'd love a big pickup, maybe. I've got a Ford conversion van that has been rock solid in terms of reliability. Just don't have much use for it, haven't towed a trailer and gone camping in years and with my back issues, never will again. But I enjoy having it, paying insurance for it, and hardly ever driving it. Since they don't make conversion vans, I have had several people drop by out of the blue and ask if I'd sell it.
My truck is a half ton, and it rides great. One thing though is that it came with 20" wheels, and while it's not one of those "jacked up" things, it does sit high enough that you can't get in and out of it without using the running boards - something that could end up a problem later on.
My truck is a half ton, and it rides great. One thing though is that it came with 20" wheels, and while it's not one of those "jacked up" things, it does sit high enough that you can't get in and out of it without using the running boards - something that could end up a problem later on.
@Larry said in 1/6 Cadillac Dealers to Close:
My truck is a half ton, and it rides great. One thing though is that it came with 20" wheels, and while it's not one of those "jacked up" things, it does sit high enough that you can't get in and out of it without using the running boards - something that could end up a problem later on.
That's why I bought mine with 17" wheels. It's still tall, but three inches is a lot at my age...