The Cruz Amendment
Don't bet on it.
Austin may be electing a couple of GOP to the city council, because the Dems screwed up so badly running the city.
Secondly, half of California may be moving to Texas, but voting patterns change the longer they live in the state. If Texans can fight them off from turning Texas into a hellhole in the short term, maybe they vote more conservative in the long term.
As somebody once said, a week is a long time in politics.
89th, have you ever asked yourself just why it is that Texas might turn blue? It's because other blue states are such failures that people are leaving the blue states by the thousands to go live in a red state like Texas. But the morons Bri g their defective political views with them. It's like an invasion of rats who shit their nest full, move to another nest, and start shitting that nest full.