I was going to start a thread about this.
- He's trailing by 9 points (according to many polls)
- He wants to cut off the stimulus which will prevent people from getting
a handoutanother check. - More businesses will probably go under, particularly restaurants
- He walks away from the table, and Nancy says, "Who cares? I'll be here in January, you probably won't."
- He's tired of being POTUS
- SARS-CoV-2 has caused neurological damage
Or, he's resigned himself to losing. Note that he is going to push Barrett through, if it kills him.
n-dimensional Pin the Tail on the Donkey?
I was going to start a thread about this.
- He's trailing by 9 points (according to many polls)
- He wants to cut off the stimulus which will prevent people from getting
a handoutanother check. - More businesses will probably go under, particularly restaurants
- He walks away from the table, and Nancy says, "Who cares? I'll be here in January, you probably won't."
- He's tired of being POTUS
- SARS-CoV-2 has caused neurological damage
The correct over/under is “hours”:
Trump says he will back specific relief measures hours after halting talks
https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/519930-trump-urges-lawmakers-to-approve-billions-for-airline-industry-small -
Trump simply inserted himself, I don’t understand why no one saw that coming.
Trump inserted himself only to reverse himself a few hours later, a rather incompetent move.
Oh well, at least @jon-nyc saw Trump's "reversal" coming, just a bit off with his timing (reversal in "hours" as opposed to reversal in "a day or two").