Discharge tomorrow?
@George-K said in Discharge tomorrow?:
I would think that the docs attending Trump considered all that. I would trust their opinion more than his. AFAIK, he's never laid eyes on Trump.
But are you sure the docs attending Trump thought the car ride was a good idea, or the docs advised against car ride but Trump and/or his political advisors went against the doctors’ advise and did the car ride anyway?
@Axtremus said in Discharge tomorrow?:
But are you sure the docs attending Trump thought the car ride was a good idea, or the docs advised against car ride but Trump and/or his political advisors went against the doctors’ advise and did the car ride anyway?
Nope. I'm not sure. It's entirely possible that their thinking was override, but we don't know that. Are you sure?
As I said, it was a stupid, unforced error that did little other than kill millions of Twitter electrons.
@Axtremus said in Discharge tomorrow?:
But are you sure the docs attending Trump thought the car ride was a good idea, or the docs advised against car ride but Trump and/or his political advisors went against the doctors’ advise and did the car ride anyway?
Nope. I'm not sure. It's entirely possible that their thinking was override, but we don't know that. Are you sure?
As I said, it was a stupid, unforced error that did little other than kill millions of Twitter electrons.
@George-K said in Discharge tomorrow?:
As I said, it was a stupid, unforced error that did little other than kill millions of Twitter electrons.
And put a couple of Secret Service agents and a driver out of commission for a couple of weeks, if not into a hospital; it might even kill them.
It’s more than an enforced error, it’s gross negligence and wanton endangerment — all for a photo-op.
@George-K said in Discharge tomorrow?:
As I said, it was a stupid, unforced error that did little other than kill millions of Twitter electrons.
And put a couple of Secret Service agents and a driver out of commission for a couple of weeks, if not into a hospital; it might even kill them.
It’s more than an enforced error, it’s gross negligence and wanton endangerment — all for a photo-op.
@Axtremus said in Discharge tomorrow?:
@George-K said in Discharge tomorrow?:
As I said, it was a stupid, unforced error that did little other than kill millions of Twitter electrons.
And put a couple of Secret Service agents and a driver out of commission for a couple of weeks, if not into a hospital; it might even kill them.
It’s more than an enforced error, it’s gross negligence and wanton endangerment — all for a photo-op.
You don't know the environment of the vehicle. You don't know how Trump got in the vehicle. You don't know how the agents got in the vehicle. You don't know the proximity or the infection control measures taken by the agents in the hospital. I do know that when Trump goes back to the Whitehouse, it won't be a hospital environment and the agents will still be guarding the President. And I promise those agents will not wear any protective gear which will impede their ability to draw a weapon.
Decisions are mostly about risk and reward. If you have been following the live cam in front of the hispital, you will have noticed a steady stream of Trump supporters carrying Get Well signs and waving American flags. I thought it was kinda neat. The President said he was humbled and very grateful at the outpouring of support.
In the President's mind, a leader should not show weakness. A leader should lead from the front. And Trump mostly gets his optics right, at least for his supporters. So maybe you think he endangered his detail. Maybe. It may be there was less risk than we know about. In any case, Trump felt like this was something he needed to do, so he did it.
You can see from the picture there is a partition in that car between the driver and the president.
@Axtremus said in Discharge tomorrow?:
@George-K said in Discharge tomorrow?:
As I said, it was a stupid, unforced error that did little other than kill millions of Twitter electrons.
And put a couple of Secret Service agents and a driver out of commission for a couple of weeks, if not into a hospital; it might even kill them.
It’s more than an enforced error, it’s gross negligence and wanton endangerment — all for a photo-op.
You don't know the environment of the vehicle. You don't know how Trump got in the vehicle. You don't know how the agents got in the vehicle. You don't know the proximity or the infection control measures taken by the agents in the hospital. I do know that when Trump goes back to the Whitehouse, it won't be a hospital environment and the agents will still be guarding the President. And I promise those agents will not wear any protective gear which will impede their ability to draw a weapon.
Decisions are mostly about risk and reward. If you have been following the live cam in front of the hispital, you will have noticed a steady stream of Trump supporters carrying Get Well signs and waving American flags. I thought it was kinda neat. The President said he was humbled and very grateful at the outpouring of support.
In the President's mind, a leader should not show weakness. A leader should lead from the front. And Trump mostly gets his optics right, at least for his supporters. So maybe you think he endangered his detail. Maybe. It may be there was less risk than we know about. In any case, Trump felt like this was something he needed to do, so he did it.
“My impression is they are telling us everything that is of good news and limiting everything that is not perfect,” said Rochelle Walensky, chief of infectious diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Robert Wachter, chairman of the University of California at San Francisco’s department of medicine, said any patient of his with Trump’s symptoms and treatment who wanted to be discharged from the hospital three days after their admission would need to sign out against doctors’ orders because it would be so ill-advised.
“For someone sick enough to have required remdesivir and dexamethasone, I can’t think of a situation in which a patient would be okay to leave on day three, even with the White House’s medical capacity,” Wachter said.
“Absolutely not,” William Schaffner, a professor of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University’s medical school, said of the idea of sending Trump back to the White House on Monday.
“I will bet dollars to doughnuts it’s the president and his political aides who are talking about discharge, not his doctors,” Schaffner added.
@Jolly said in Discharge tomorrow?:
Decisions are mostly about risk and reward.
Risk = infect a few folks with COVID-19
Reward = photo-op@Axtremus said in Discharge tomorrow?:
@Jolly said in Discharge tomorrow?:
Decisions are mostly about risk and reward.
Risk = infect a few folks with COVID-19
Reward = photo-opReward is to offset the stories that Trump was really ill. What happened to that story that Trump might be on death’s door?
I guess that one got abandoned after serious pumping all day Saturday and Sunday.
I think this new one is a dud but got some traction for a few hours.
No hospital I know of, would have admitted a normal person with a 94 sat.
POTUS is different.
@Jolly said in Discharge tomorrow?:
No hospital I know of, would have admitted a normal person with a 94 sat.
POTUS is different.
Here's the futility of making decisions on a single number.
I walked to the bathroom, and retrieved our pulse oximeter:
I took eleven deep breaths.
These are cropped screenshots, but here's the metadata for the originals - look at the timestamps.
It's all about the trend, not the number.
He may be readmitted next week if this goes south. I suspect he had to be in the clinical setting to receive the treatments he did.
@Mik said in Discharge tomorrow?:
He may be readmitted next week if this goes south.
And that would look terrible, and probably hurt the campaign.
If I were advising, I'd stay on the side of caution, being sure that the trend is toward improvement.
Each side is pumping whatever it can to feed it’s ravenous base. The only question is who’s narrative more accurately reflects the President’s real condition.
Trump appears to be defying the media narrative of his condition, so their “science” may be sketchy, but it could change.
We will see who is correct.
I could care less about Ax's feigned "outrage". The simple facts is, it wouldnt matter what Trump did, Ax would find a way to turn it into a rant against Trump. He has no credibility.
It must be eating the Trump bashers alive that it appears Trump will survive. You could just FEEL what they've been thinking.... "I will make all the proper noises about how I wish him well, say my condolences, etc so that when the bastard dies I can look like I was a decent human being, but privately I'm so happy I could piss my pants thinking about him dead." If Trump had gotten bad sick people like Ax could have kept up their phony "condolences" bull shit. But he didn't and now he's faced with the realization that Trump will probably live. So the only thing left to do is go back to attacking every move Trump makes, using typical stupid tactics the Left use, such as the one Ax is now using - inventing a scenario that "might" have been, pretending it's truth, and then attacking Trump for not taking Ax's false scenario into account when he makes decisions.
According to Ax, two intelligent secret servicemen, men with families to go home to, just blindly followed orders from a vain narcissist and with no planning at all jumped into a car with a covid patient, putting themselves and everyone they will be around later at mortal risk, just because the man wanted to take a picture. And the most ridiculous part is that Ax actually thinks we are stupid enough to buy into his brainless crap.
First off, even the SUV 's that are used to transport the president are partitioned off inside.
Second, anyone dumb enough to believe that with a team of medical professionals treating the president and a highly trained secret service contingency each and every one of both teams devoted to the task of keeping the president safe just jumped into a car willy nilly with no planning at all is too stupid for words.
Third, it wasn't done for a "photo op". This is the part that pisses the Trump bashers off almost as much as realizing Trump didn't die like they wanted him to - literally thousands of Trump supporters were gathered outside Walter Reed. A spontaneous gathering of a size that Biden couldn't get to show up if he had a year to plan and was passing out hundred dollar bills.... And Trump wanted to show his appreciation.When ass hats like Ax apply the same criticism to a democrat - for instance, when Pelosi went to a hair salon and didn't wear a mask when she had made all salons close and forced everyone else to wear a mask.... when I see Ax say the same thing about a democrat, maybe I'll listen. But since I already know that won't happen, then nothing Ax or any other Trump basher says matters. It's just him/them proving their stupidity.
@Jolly said in Discharge tomorrow?:
And just another note or two...Isn't there a barrier between front and back?
Also noticed that the guys in the vehicle had on N95 masks , full gowns and faceshields. If that means they are going to die, I've done that deal at least a half-dozen times with COVID patients. According to this doc, that could be the case.
I'm going to make a SWAG, and say the Secret Service guys are in better shape than I am.
Completely unnecessary risk.
Totally irresponsible and inconsiderate towards their own staff.@Axtremus said in Discharge tomorrow?:
@Jolly said in Discharge tomorrow?:
And just another note or two...Isn't there a barrier between front and back?
Also noticed that the guys in the vehicle had on N95 masks , full gowns and faceshields. If that means they are going to die, I've done that deal at least a half-dozen times with COVID patients. According to this doc, that could be the case.
I'm going to make a SWAG, and say the Secret Service guys are in better shape than I am.
Completely unnecessary risk.
Totally irresponsible and inconsiderate towards their own staff.Almost no risk with the masks.
@Jolly said in Discharge tomorrow?:
Decisions are mostly about risk and reward.
Risk = infect a few folks with COVID-19
Reward = photo-op@Axtremus said in Discharge tomorrow?:
@Jolly said in Discharge tomorrow?:
Decisions are mostly about risk and reward.
Risk = infect a few folks with COVID-19
Reward = photo-opWho was infected?