Crash of Alpha Jets in France
Another plane crash. Would've never happened under Pete. I don't care that this is in France!
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Yeah it looks to me like the 2nd plane from the top (as they descended) veered off course a little. Maybe technical glitch, maybe the pilot sneezed. Agree that such formation flying is risky to say the least. Now, if you really have some free time, youtube 4K blue angels POV flying... amazing stuff from within the cockpit during their shows.
I hate watching these displays since I saw the Carfest plane crash in 2015. Waiting to hear that Mrs. Phibes and my son were OK was a very long couple of hours of trying to stay calm with my daughter and other family members (they'd been driving home as he was unwell, and I wasn't sure whether the route took them past the crash site).
I think I'm kind of done with airshows.
It is amazing how close the fly to each other and at tremendous speeds.
@taiwan_girl watch these two timestamps, about 30 seconds for each section....
7:37 and 10:23
Link to video -
Crazy!! I guess that is why those guys are the best of the best.