Questions like:
Reporter: Do you still believe that President Zelenskyy is a dictator?
Answer: Did I say that? I can't believe I said that. Next question.
(I do agree with teh point of this thread. President Trump has been much more forward facing to the press. Part of it is that he never met a voice he loves as much as his own)
Ha true, hadn't thought of it that way. Remember the times when a President would awkwardly be quiet so as not to say the wrong thing or misinformation? Not Biden specifically but in general...being afraid of saying the wrong thing. Trump? He says ALL the things. Truth, lies, jokes, insults... I give him credit, he's been self-aware for a while "I could shoot someone on 5th avenue and get away with it"
Ha true, hadn't thought of it that way. Remember the times when a President would awkwardly be quiet so as not to say the wrong thing or misinformation? Not Biden specifically but in general...being afraid of saying the wrong thing. Trump? He says ALL the things. Truth, lies, jokes, insults... I give him credit, he's been self-aware for a while "I could shoot someone on 5th avenue and get away with it"
Ha true, hadn't thought of it that way. Remember the times when a President would awkwardly be quiet so as not to say the wrong thing or misinformation? Not Biden specifically but in general...being afraid of saying the wrong thing. Trump? He says ALL the things. Truth, lies, jokes, insults... I give him credit, he's been self-aware for a while "I could shoot someone on 5th avenue and get away with it"
Ha true, hadn't thought of it that way. Remember the times when a President would awkwardly be quiet so as not to say the wrong thing or misinformation? Not Biden specifically but in general...being afraid of saying the wrong thing. Trump? He says ALL the things. Truth, lies, jokes, insults... I give him credit, he's been self-aware for a while "I could shoot someone on 5th avenue and get away with it"
That's one of the things that people like about Trump. He frequently talks utter bollocks, bullshits spectacularly, and lies like a cheap Japanese watch, but it's not filtered. He knows what his fans like, and he gives it to them.