Embassies of Bangkok
Norway Embassy
A few more.
The embassies of Argentina and Peru are right across the hall from each other in the building in the picture below.
When you step out of the elevator, there is this "foyer" with Argentina on one side and Peru on the other.
Republic of Cuba. The embassy was on the third floor of this building, but I was not able to get inside to see it. Hard to see, but it is the Cuban flag outside the building.
Republic of Georgia (but probably not. I was looking that this was an honorary consulate for Republic of Georgia, but I couldn't find anything that said for sure that this is it. So I dont think so.)
A few more
Honorary consul of Albania. I think it is just some guys house.
Below is the Embassy of Iran
It was funny. These were taken on a weekday and there absolutely no sign of any acitivy. It was a very dead embassy. I went to the front gate, but there was no one there so I couldn't ask any question.
Honoray consul of Uzbeckistan -
A few more.
The embassies of Argentina and Peru are right across the hall from each other in the building in the picture below.
When you step out of the elevator, there is this "foyer" with Argentina on one side and Peru on the other.
Republic of Cuba. The embassy was on the third floor of this building, but I was not able to get inside to see it. Hard to see, but it is the Cuban flag outside the building.
Republic of Georgia (but probably not. I was looking that this was an honorary consulate for Republic of Georgia, but I couldn't find anything that said for sure that this is it. So I dont think so.)
There is something written on that Tower sign in what certainly is Georgian script but what it means I don’t know. I’ve looked up the words republic, Georgia, embassy, and honorary consul. The latter looks closest but not identical:
საპატიო კონსული
There is something written on that Tower sign in what certainly is Georgian script but what it means I don’t know. I’ve looked up the words republic, Georgia, embassy, and honorary consul. The latter looks closest but not identical:
საპატიო კონსული
@Renauda said in Embassies of Bangkok:
There is something written on that Tower sign in what certainly is Georgian script but what it means I don’t know. I’ve looked up the words republic, Georgia, embassy, and honorary consul. The latter looks closest but not identical:
საპატიო კონსული
Thanks! I just kind of look on the internet for the embassies/consulates and it sent me here for the Republic of Georgia. I went to the front desk to ask, but between my relatively poor Thai language skills and their non-existent skills in a language other than Thai, we really were not able to understand each other. I did try and explain that I was looking for the Republic of Georgia but
A few more.
The first is the Republic of Ireland. You actually needed an appointment to go to the actual embassy. I did not have one, so figured this picture of the reception desk would have to be good enough.
Embassy of Vietnam. Kind of a funny story. I was looking around outside, and the "guard" pops out. (Door on the first picture.) I think he thought I was confused on where to go, so he insisted on escorting me into the office. I felt bad, so allowed him to do so, and then sat in the office for about 5 minutes so he would think I actually did something, and then left. LOL
Sweden Embassy. Shhhhhh, but I was not supposed to take a picture here. They had signs indicated "no pictures"!!!, but I secretly took one.
Hungary Embassy
For the following, the next two embassies are located in the office block shown below
Embassey of Greece
Embassey of Kuwait (it is a holiday weekend in Thailand and the embassey was closed. When I stepped off the elevator, some guy (I think he was Kuwaiti and not Thai jumped up from his guard station and very rudely told me the place was closed. Certainly did not seem happy to see me! LOL So, i was kind of afraid to take a picture and waited until the elevator door was closing and then took a quick one. 555)
Embassey of Singapore. Pretty big free standing location, but they are a close neighbor and also part of ASEAN.
The last one is not an embassey, but was kind of 'funny' for me. It is the India-Thai Chamber of Commerce. So, here is the country with the largest population in the world and a pretty big trading and labor partner. And there association is located in kind of dingy building above a 7-11
It is the India-Thai Chamber of Commerce. So, here is the country with the largest population in the world and a pretty big trading and labor partner. And there association is located in kind of dingy building above a 7-11
And here I thought “Indian working in a 7-Eleven” is a stereotype just in the USA.
It is the India-Thai Chamber of Commerce. So, here is the country with the largest population in the world and a pretty big trading and labor partner. And there association is located in kind of dingy building above a 7-11
And here I thought “Indian working in a 7-Eleven” is a stereotype just in the USA.
@Axtremus 555
Czech Republic
Union of Myanmar
Holy See (they actually have a pretty big piece of land. Kind of surprising as I wouldnt think they were that busy. LOL Thailand is only about 5% Christian I think.
For the third pic, waited until the delivery truck was called inside so I could be nosey and try and see inside. LOL)
The above two are the building where is the Slovakia Embassy. I was unable to get up to the floor as it was the weekend. I usually pretend like I know where I am going and just walk past the guard station, but this time I was stopped. LOL
German Embassy
Denmark Embassy
Japan Embassy
Japan Ambassador Residence. Slightly different location from embassy.
The Belarus and Nicragua honorary consulates. Both are at the same address, so i think that the same person does both.
France Embassy
The above three pictures are of the Portugal Embassy. The first two are the "front" of the embassy. For the third picture, I happened to be at a shopping mall on the other side of the river and noticed I could see the Portugal Embassy so took a picture of the "back" side.
Okay, these next two were a real "pain" to find. When I first started trying to visit the embassys/constulates, I was just going off the internet or trusting the Maps function where it said there was an embassy/consulate (and sometimes was quite wrong (for example (I think) consulate of Georgia)))..
Anyway, I finally talked to a contact in MOFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) in Bangkok, and they gave me a list (as of Feb 2024) of every accredited embassay/consulate in Thailand and their "official" address. It is a bit more accurate.
The first two pictures are of the honorary consulate of The Gambia. Addresses in BKK don't always follow a normal address pattern like in the US, it was quite a lot of walking around the general area before I found it. It was this past Sunday, so the "consulate" was not open. Obviously, it must an ethnic Chinese person, so it would have been interesting to talk to him and understand how he came into the position. I am guessing he is some sort of import/export. The Chinese writing in the second picture is basically just the name of the company as shown in English.
The next two are "supposed" to be the location of the honorary consul of the Republic of Guinea. I am 99% sure the address is correct, but it obviously does not seem like it is the right location, or maybe the consulate went out of business. LOL. But, I am still going to count it as a visit!
Cool thread idea!
What makes embassys so interesting to you that you spend all that time visiting them, @taiwan_girl ?
Cool thread idea!
What makes embassys so interesting to you that you spend all that time visiting them, @taiwan_girl ?
@Klaus Good question!! Gives me a chance to see different parts of Bangkok, and just curiosity about them, and a chance to spy on people in the embassy if possible. (just joking on that last part!!!!!)
The next three are the Russia Embassy
Main Entrance
Side Door
Apartment block for workers (I assume)The next are Republic of Bahrain
Building Location
EntranceKind of funny. It was Sunday, so I knew they would be closed but did my usual "act like I belong" as I walked past the guard desk. However, when I took the lift back down, there were two guards at the lift door asking me what I was doing.
I explained that I thought the embassy may be open because it was an Arab country and they used different days of the week.
Below is Canada
Again, it was a Sunday, so could not get up to the actual embassy. Not sure if I count this an official visit or not. LOLBelow is Bulgaria
This is an honorary embassey/consulate and is actually run out of a company office. I walked into the lobby and wanted to go to visit, and just at that moment, when I was talking to the guard, the honorary consul walked in the lobby!! The guard called her over and she was very nice and just talked to me in the lobby and I did not have an excuse to go up to the office. LOLRumania is below
Building location
Embassey -
Building of the Honorary Consul of Benin
Company office where the honorary consul is located
The above two pictures are the location of the honorary consul of Ivory Coast. It is in somebodys house.