New baby
Congratulations, 89! Exciting times!
So pleased you and your bride added another Minnesooooootan to our great state! Well done!
Happy birthday to your new baby girl. 🥳
Congratulations! We need photos, though.
I never got along very well with my siblings. From day 1, they were opposed to having a public intellectual in the family. Sad.
@Nunatax Last night was a reminder of how the baby can get up every 20 minutes…in the trenches now. Will be interesting to see what it looks like from my Apple Watch. The orange is “time awake”. Last night was first night home with her.
@89th I shared your graph with D4.
She commented,
Oooo interesting! I love this shit lol. Here’s our first week (notice there’s nothing logged the day after Miles was born?)
(Miles was born on the 12th)
A month or so later...