Homeowner fun - water line break
This has been going on for a couple months of ever increasing water bills. They came out and told me there was no leak outside, which is patently untrue. Also they could not find our meter, even though I told them when to look because it is not where their map says it is. At least they have found it. The light blue dots are where the water meter actually is. The darker blue is the wet area. The little box with the M is where they said it was. Not even close. Oh well. Plumber coming tomorrow to fix.
Hope it gets resolved!
Total side note, but this map makes me really appreciate the infrastructure in many neighborhoods. The water lines, gas lines, electricity, phone and fiber optic lines, etc. It's really a cool view into modern society.
Even further side note, do you think in like 100 years we'll have a "wireless electricity" grid where power lines are no longer needed?