Mar-a-Lago raided
They'll have time. Friday afternoon drops can do that for you...
Who else has been hounded for documents that other Presidents had?
There is a standard for Trump. Then, there is a standard for everybody else.
@Jolly said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
There is a standard for Trump. Then, there is a standard for everybody else.
@taiwan_girl said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
From National Archives
"NARA moved approximately 30 million pages of unclassified records to a NARA facility in the Chicago area where they are maintained exclusively by NARA," the archives said in a statement. "Additionally, NARA maintains the classified Obama Presidential records in a NARA facility in the Washington, DC, area. As required by the PRA, former President Obama has no control over where and how NARA stores the Presidential records of his AdministNot sure where President Trump is being held to a different standard?
That’s Jolly saying “I got nothing to counter that except my feels”.
That’s Jolly saying “I got nothing to counter that except my feels”.
@jon-nyc said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
That’s Jolly saying “I got nothing to counter that except my feels”.
No, that's Jolly saying that it's so obvious that even a cursory "look" by a blind mouse would see it.
Take off your laser vision glasses and consider the situation in toto. There has never been anything remotely like the full court press on Trump in the last 100 years. There may never have been anything like it since the beginning of the Republic.
One cannot look at anything waged against Trump by the Deep State, especially the Justice Department and FBI, and not consider political motivations. Their behavior in the past has been criminal, IMO.
Therefore, take any allegation lodged against Trump with a tablespoon full of salt.
Doesn't matter... Xenon busted his Trump-Hater Cherry a long time ago.
One has to back up and look at things with a historical view. And then not let pure hate get in the way.
Doesn't matter... Xenon busted his Trump-Hater Cherry a long time ago.
One has to back up and look at things with a historical view. And then not let pure hate get in the way.
@Jolly said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
Doesn't matter... Xenon busted his Trump-Hater Cherry a long time ago.
Didn't you just accuse Phibes of this?
Address his post, why don't you?
@jon-nyc said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
@Jolly said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
Doesn't matter... Xenon busted his Trump-Hater Cherry a long time ago.
Didn't you just accuse Phibes of this?
Address his post, why don't you?
Which Phibes post? I've accused the lad of a lot of things, from messenger shooting to fucking sheep.
Bye bye, Special Master. We hardly knew ya!
Bye bye, Special Master. We hardly knew ya!
@jon-nyc said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
Bye bye, Special Master. We hardly knew ya!
Not surprising. Most observers were of the opinion that Cannon erred in the first place in appointing a Special Master.
Sean Hannity told Trump he couldn't imagine Trump taking documents from the White House.
"I know you," Hannity said. "I don't think you would do it."
Trump corrected Hannity, saying, "I would do that" and adding that he has the right to "take stuff."Video in tweet:
@jon-nyc said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
Imagine being a defense lawyer for a guy who regularly confesses to his crimes publicly.
Imagine being Sean Hannity. He sticks his tongue right up there, only to be inundated once again with gallons of the substance he so richly deserves.
@jon-nyc said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
Imagine being a defense lawyer for a guy who regularly confesses to his crimes publicly.
Imagine being Sean Hannity. He sticks his tongue right up there, only to be inundated once again with gallons of the substance he so richly deserves.
Worst. Visual. Ever.