Pianoworld sold
"To all Piano World Forums Members and Guests
The time has come!
After twenty five years as the founder/creator/host of Piano World and the world famous Piano Forums I’ve decided it’s time to move on. A number of companies have approached me about selling Piano World over the years and now I've made my decision.
I turned seventy last November and have been lucky enough to have a wonderful woman enter my life.
I’m going to try on semi-retirement for a change.
I’ll still keep an eye on the forums, participating from time to time, and I’ll continue to tune pianos and play gigs. I’m looking forward to more time to practice the piano, compose, catch up on my reading, get into woodworking, host and attend piano parties, and of course spend time with Lorraine.
My heartfelt thanks to all who have participated in the forums over the years especially those who have been kind enough to support Piano World and the Forums financially. And a special thank you to our moderators who have worked tirelessly over the years to try to maintain some semblance of sanity in the millions of posts you all have created.
For those who would like to keep in touch, you can PM me through the forums or visit my new site (under development) MainePianoMan.com.
I leave you in good hands.
As of today ownership of Piano World and the Forums will transition to VerticalScope.
VerticalScope, specializes in social media sites. They in fact own another music related site.
VerticalScope first approached me in 2017 and they have checked back periodically over the years.
Their intention is to keep the core of the forums operating much like it has been, but also to make improvements in software and features.
For those who wish to continue advertising on the Forums and/or on the main Piano World site, you will need to work with the folks from VerticalScope (they will be introducing themselves shortly).
Again my heartfelt thanks to all who have participated in the growth of Piano World and the Piano Forums over the past 25 years. I look forward to meeting more of you in person some day. In the meantime, keep on playing!
All the Best,
Frank Baxter
(was Mr. PianoWorld, now MainePianoMan )" -
"To all Piano World Forums Members and Guests
The time has come!
After twenty five years as the founder/creator/host of Piano World and the world famous Piano Forums I’ve decided it’s time to move on. A number of companies have approached me about selling Piano World over the years and now I've made my decision.
I turned seventy last November and have been lucky enough to have a wonderful woman enter my life.
I’m going to try on semi-retirement for a change.
I’ll still keep an eye on the forums, participating from time to time, and I’ll continue to tune pianos and play gigs. I’m looking forward to more time to practice the piano, compose, catch up on my reading, get into woodworking, host and attend piano parties, and of course spend time with Lorraine.
My heartfelt thanks to all who have participated in the forums over the years especially those who have been kind enough to support Piano World and the Forums financially. And a special thank you to our moderators who have worked tirelessly over the years to try to maintain some semblance of sanity in the millions of posts you all have created.
For those who would like to keep in touch, you can PM me through the forums or visit my new site (under development) MainePianoMan.com.
I leave you in good hands.
As of today ownership of Piano World and the Forums will transition to VerticalScope.
VerticalScope, specializes in social media sites. They in fact own another music related site.
VerticalScope first approached me in 2017 and they have checked back periodically over the years.
Their intention is to keep the core of the forums operating much like it has been, but also to make improvements in software and features.
For those who wish to continue advertising on the Forums and/or on the main Piano World site, you will need to work with the folks from VerticalScope (they will be introducing themselves shortly).
Again my heartfelt thanks to all who have participated in the growth of Piano World and the Piano Forums over the past 25 years. I look forward to meeting more of you in person some day. In the meantime, keep on playing!
All the Best,
Frank Baxter
(was Mr. PianoWorld, now MainePianoMan )" -
I wonder how much he got for it. I wonder how much Lorraine had to do with it. I wonder how fast (or slow) it’ll die off.
That being said, without it I wouldn’t have met y’all and been on the latest iteration of the coffee room.
@89th said in Pianoworld sold:
without it I wouldn’t have met y’all and been on the latest iteration of the coffee room.