Thou shalt not show smokes
@Doctor-Phibes said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
We're moving into a house that was inhabited by heavy smokers. It smells truly disgusting.
I used to be able to walk into a patient's room and tell that they were smokers.
Is there a way to get rid of that smell in a house?
@George-K said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
Is there a way to get rid of that smell in a house?
Kilz paint throughout, new carpet. Our current house was the same when we moved in. It takes a while.
I still find myself patting my shirt pocket for my pack when I walk outside, and it’s been 13 years since I became an ex-smoker.
I do have the occasional cigar every 4-5 months and enjoy the hell out of them, but 20 minutes after I’m done I’m scouring myself in the shower and brushing my teeth with a sandblaster. It’s amazing how quickly the smell and taste goes from great to horrible…
@LuFins-Dad said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
It’s amazing how quickly the smell and taste goes from great to horrible…
If I'm outside (like in a city or on a golf course) I actually enjoy the smell of a distant cigar (and sometimes cigarette). But yes, I have the same experience with a cigar... great for 10-20 minutes then it's time to wash.
Kudos on the 13 years btw.
I have never smoked, but I will gladly fight for everyone's right to smoke. I hate the "nudging" or downright coercion of smokers.
Protecting non-smokers is good and necessary, but endangering one's own health is one of the most fundamental rights.
@Klaus said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
I have never smoked, but I will gladly fight for everyone's right to smoke. I hate the "nudging" or downright coercion of smokers.
Protecting non-smokers is good and necessary, but endangering one's own health is one of the most fundamental rights.
Glamourizing smoking in movies and on TV went on for years. The absolute best advertising for the disgusting habit wasn't even the actual advertising.
I'm not interested in protecting the rights of the tobacco industry to makes billions whilst making people dependent on the bloody things and eventually killing them, which is what actually goes on.
I'm at an age now where I'm seeing smokers, in some cases friends, getting sick and dying, and I'm thinking - 'that could easily be me....'
@Klaus said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
I have never smoked, but I will gladly fight for everyone's right to smoke. I hate the "nudging" or downright coercion of smokers.
Protecting non-smokers is good and necessary, but endangering one's own health is one of the most fundamental rights.
Glamourizing smoking in movies and on TV went on for years. The absolute best advertising for the disgusting habit wasn't even the actual advertising.
I'm not interested in protecting the rights of the tobacco industry to makes billions whilst making people dependent on the bloody things and eventually killing them, which is what actually goes on.
I'm at an age now where I'm seeing smokers, in some cases friends, getting sick and dying, and I'm thinking - 'that could easily be me....'
@Doctor-Phibes said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
Glamourizing smoking in movies and on TV went on for years. The absolute best advertising for the disgusting habit wasn't even the actual advertising.
Every action movie portrays stunts as cool that would most likely kill anybody who would try this for real.
Every - EVERY - adult knows that smoking is very bad for your health.
If people like to smoke and they trade their enjoyment of smoking for a statistical decline in health and longevity - why not? It's their fucking right. It's no different from participating in a dangerous sport, for instance.
If people smoke and ignore the health implications - well, we shouldn't protect against stupidity, and we don't protect against stupidity in most other contexts.
And I say this as somebody who has never smoked and who finds smoke-filled rooms very annoying.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
Glamourizing smoking in movies and on TV went on for years. The absolute best advertising for the disgusting habit wasn't even the actual advertising.
Every action movie portrays stunts as cool that would most likely kill anybody who would try this for real.
Every - EVERY - adult knows that smoking is very bad for your health.
If people like to smoke and they trade their enjoyment of smoking for a statistical decline in health and longevity - why not? It's their fucking right. It's no different from participating in a dangerous sport, for instance.
If people smoke and ignore the health implications - well, we shouldn't protect against stupidity, and we don't protect against stupidity in most other contexts.
And I say this as somebody who has never smoked and who finds smoke-filled rooms very annoying.
@Klaus said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
@Doctor-Phibes said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
Glamourizing smoking in movies and on TV went on for years. The absolute best advertising for the disgusting habit wasn't even the actual advertising.
Every action movie portrays stunts as cool that would most likely kill anybody who would try this for real.
Every - EVERY - adult knows that smoking is very bad for your health.
If people like to smoke and they trade their enjoyment of smoking for a statistical decline in health and longevity - why not? It's their fucking right. It's no different from participating in a dangerous sport, for instance.
If people smoke and ignore the health implications - well, we shouldn't protect against stupidity, and we don't protect against stupidity in most other contexts.
And I say this as somebody who has never smoked and who finds smoke-filled rooms very annoying.
My opinion is shaped by being hopelessly addicted to the things for over 20 years so I'm a reformed sinner, and those guys are always the worst.
It's worth pointing out that my stupidity occurred when I was about 13-14 years old, probably like most smokers my age, and yes, I think we should protect kids from stupidity. Giving them up in my late 30's was one of the hardest things I ever had to do.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
Glamourizing smoking in movies and on TV went on for years. The absolute best advertising for the disgusting habit wasn't even the actual advertising.
Every action movie portrays stunts as cool that would most likely kill anybody who would try this for real.
Every - EVERY - adult knows that smoking is very bad for your health.
If people like to smoke and they trade their enjoyment of smoking for a statistical decline in health and longevity - why not? It's their fucking right. It's no different from participating in a dangerous sport, for instance.
If people smoke and ignore the health implications - well, we shouldn't protect against stupidity, and we don't protect against stupidity in most other contexts.
And I say this as somebody who has never smoked and who finds smoke-filled rooms very annoying.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
Glamourizing smoking in movies and on TV went on for years. The absolute best advertising for the disgusting habit wasn't even the actual advertising.
Every action movie portrays stunts as cool that would most likely kill anybody who would try this for real.
Every - EVERY - adult knows that smoking is very bad for your health.
If people like to smoke and they trade their enjoyment of smoking for a statistical decline in health and longevity - why not? It's their fucking right. It's no different from participating in a dangerous sport, for instance.
If people smoke and ignore the health implications - well, we shouldn't protect against stupidity, and we don't protect against stupidity in most other contexts.
And I say this as somebody who has never smoked and who finds smoke-filled rooms very annoying.
@Klaus said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
It's no different from participating in a dangerous sport, for instance.
Dangerous sports aren't physically addictive.
@Klaus said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
It's no different from participating in a dangerous sport, for instance.
Dangerous sports aren't physically addictive.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
@Klaus said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
It's no different from participating in a dangerous sport, for instance.
Dangerous sports aren't physically addictive.
Wasn’t it Groucho Marx who said that quitting smoking isn’t difficult? He said he’s done it dozens of times.
Incidentally, what finally enabled me to give up smoking was that as I got older, whenever I smoked a cigarette I experienced this unbearable hi-pitched whining noise in my ears. It's not well documented, but apparently it's quite common, particularly after marriage.
@Klaus said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
It's no different from participating in a dangerous sport, for instance.
Dangerous sports aren't physically addictive.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
@Klaus said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
It's no different from participating in a dangerous sport, for instance.
Dangerous sports aren't physically addictive.
I'm in favor of protecting children, but I have little mercy for adults who become physically addicted to whatever drugs and then complain about the consequences. That's the definition of adult, in my opinion: To be able to evaluate and bear the consequences of your actions, be it positive or negative.
I've been offered any kind of drug in my life many times. I've never smoked, and I've never even done cannabis, let alone the more potent drugs. I support everyone's right to consume as many drugs as he or she wants, but don't complain to me when the consequences hit you. If I'd be the king of the world, adults could buy every drug ever imagined at Walmart.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
@Klaus said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
It's no different from participating in a dangerous sport, for instance.
Dangerous sports aren't physically addictive.
I'm in favor of protecting children, but I have little mercy for adults who become physically addicted to whatever drugs and then complain about the consequences. That's the definition of adult, in my opinion: To be able to evaluate and bear the consequences of your actions, be it positive or negative.
I've been offered any kind of drug in my life many times. I've never smoked, and I've never even done cannabis, let alone the more potent drugs. I support everyone's right to consume as many drugs as he or she wants, but don't complain to me when the consequences hit you. If I'd be the king of the world, adults could buy every drug ever imagined at Walmart.
@Klaus said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
That's the definition of adult, in my opinion: To be able to evaluate and bear the consequences of your actions, be it positive or negative.
So how do you test whether somebody is an adult or not? Because most places just look at your age, and we all know that being 18 doesn't make you an adult.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
@Klaus said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
It's no different from participating in a dangerous sport, for instance.
Dangerous sports aren't physically addictive.
Wasn’t it Groucho Marx who said that quitting smoking isn’t difficult? He said he’s done it dozens of times.
@George-K said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
Wasn’t it Groucho Marx who said that quitting smoking isn’t difficult? He said he’s done it dozens of times.
“Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times.”
Mark Twain
@Klaus said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
That's the definition of adult, in my opinion: To be able to evaluate and bear the consequences of your actions, be it positive or negative.
So how do you test whether somebody is an adult or not? Because most places just look at your age, and we all know that being 18 doesn't make you an adult.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
@Klaus said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
That's the definition of adult, in my opinion: To be able to evaluate and bear the consequences of your actions, be it positive or negative.
So how do you test whether somebody is an adult or not? Because most places just look at your age, and we all know that being 18 doesn't make you an adult.
We've decided that there's a point, usually 18 years old, when adulthood begins. That's of course a somewhat arbitrary number, but you I see no alternative that is significantly better and still practical. If people are no adults when they turn 18, bad luck for them. I have no use for 25 year old children. They are a disgrace.
@George-K said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
Is there a way to get rid of that smell in a house?
Kilz paint throughout, new carpet. Our current house was the same when we moved in. It takes a while.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
Is there a way to get rid of that smell in a house?
Car detailers use an ozone generator. I think hotels especially casino hotels also use one. Not sure how effective it is, but it must be fairly good, certainly better than air fresheners or that famous hanging tree.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
@Klaus said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
That's the definition of adult, in my opinion: To be able to evaluate and bear the consequences of your actions, be it positive or negative.
So how do you test whether somebody is an adult or not? Because most places just look at your age, and we all know that being 18 doesn't make you an adult.
We've decided that there's a point, usually 18 years old, when adulthood begins. That's of course a somewhat arbitrary number, but you I see no alternative that is significantly better and still practical. If people are no adults when they turn 18, bad luck for them. I have no use for 25 year old children. They are a disgrace.
@Klaus said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
@Doctor-Phibes said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
@Klaus said in Thou shalt not show smokes:
That's the definition of adult, in my opinion: To be able to evaluate and bear the consequences of your actions, be it positive or negative.
So how do you test whether somebody is an adult or not? Because most places just look at your age, and we all know that being 18 doesn't make you an adult.
We've decided that there's a point, usually 18 years old, when adulthood begins. That's of course a somewhat arbitrary number, but you I see no alternative that is significantly better and still practical. If people are no adults when they turn 18, bad luck for them. I have no use for 25 year old children. They are a disgrace.
Yeah, that's how I used to think when my kids were younger, too.