Mar-a-Lago raided
@jon-nyc I think the Trump people filed a request for a special master, as I posted earlier, and the FBI said "no way."
I have no idea what the process for this is, so I'll wait to see what happens.
From what I've read, the request for a special master has to occur before the warrant is executed. If there was no knowledge of the forthcoming
raidsearch, I can understand the delay.OTOH, I've read that the legal team representing DJT is not among the best and brightest, particularly when it comes to this type of stuff.
@jon-nyc said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
The fat man isn’t sending his best people.
I'm so old that I remember when laughing at someone's body image was considered hatred.
But, I digress.
Best and brightest...
@jon-nyc said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
The fat man isn’t sending his best people.
I'm so old that I remember when laughing at someone's body image was considered hatred.
But, I digress.
Best and brightest...
@George-K said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
@jon-nyc said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
The fat man isn’t sending his best people.
I'm so old that I remember when laughing at someone's body image was considered hatred.
But, I digress.
Best and brightest...
Ken white pointed this out but then said the filing was obviously written by lawyers.
"Trump Files Lawsuit Against U.S. Government, Claims ‘Most Americans’ Are Distressed by ‘Shockingly Aggressive’ Search of Former President’s Home"
Uh, not really, Donnie.
Lots more on the lawsuit here:
@Jolly said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
Meanwhile, back at the Justice Department, the leaks have started.
The New York Times story then affirms the position of the Justice Department as proven by the leaks.
“[T}he extent to which such a large number of highly sensitive documents remained at Mar-a-Lago for months, even as the department sought the return of all material that should have been left in government custody when Mr. Trump left office, suggested to officials that the former president or his aides had been cavalier in handling it, not fully forthcoming with investigators, or both.”
It is litigation by leak where the government prevents others (including the target) from seeing key representations made to the court while releasing selective facts to its own advantage. It shows utter contempt for the court and the public. The question is whether the court will take note of this series of leaks. Most judges do not like to be played so openly and publicly by government officials. Moreover, the leaks should push Garland to reverse course as suggested in a recent column and order substantive disclosures in the affidavit in light of the government’s prior leaks.
Representing himself in the hopes of taking center stage in a trial that would be watched by exponentially more people than the Jan 6 hearings.
@Horace said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
Representing himself in the hopes of taking center stage in a trial that would be watched by exponentially more people than the Jan 6 hearings.
That's our Trump -- always creating rumpus, always in the spotlight. I wonder how many people it has occurred to that not only is this a pattern with him, but that it shows weakness; it shows his inability to sustain an image as a strong leader even when you don't see him. Like Reagan or Eisenhower. He cavorts always like a clown, juggling his stunts: "Look at me, look at me-e-e!"
Well, look at the bright side ... He wasn't screwing his interns in the Whitehouse pool or getting his dick sucked by an intern in the Oval Office...
@Jolly said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
or getting his dick sucked by an intern in the Oval Office.
Probably everyplace else, though.
@Catseye3 said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
@Jolly said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
or getting his dick sucked by an intern in the Oval Office.
Probably everyplace else, though.
If anything untoward would have happened in the hyper-gotcha media force field cast around all things Trump, everybody would have known about it.
Lots of criticism on the supposed unprofessionalism of Trump’s court filing alleging violation of his 4th Amendment rights.
But this one thing piqued my interest, concerning Trump’s demand to have a “special master” to sift through the seized material:
Weissmann, the former federal prosecutor, said Trump's filing has a "fatal flaw" because it doesn't reckon with the fact that the documents legally belong to the National Archives, not the president.
"Nothing needs to be sifted because none of the documents are actually the former president's. These all belong, whether classified or not classified, to the national archives," …
Lots of criticism on the supposed unprofessionalism of Trump’s court filing alleging violation of his 4th Amendment rights.
But this one thing piqued my interest, concerning Trump’s demand to have a “special master” to sift through the seized material:
Weissmann, the former federal prosecutor, said Trump's filing has a "fatal flaw" because it doesn't reckon with the fact that the documents legally belong to the National Archives, not the president.
"Nothing needs to be sifted because none of the documents are actually the former president's. These all belong, whether classified or not classified, to the national archives," …
@Axtremus said in Mar-a-Lago raided:
"Nothing needs to be sifted because none of the documents are actually the former president's. These all belong, whether classified or not classified, to the national archives," …
How does he know that?
Were there personal documents seized?
Were communications between Trump and his attorneys seized?
Did the FBI, with it's long history of integrity leak that to him?
How does he know?
That page essentially quotes article 44 United States Code Chapter 22 that defines what constitute “presidential records” and hence what belongs to the US and what belongs to the President personally. Haven’t read it through myself, but figure it’d be useful to have here as a reference for folks who want to argue over who gets to own what records.
FWIW, just because it’s “communications with an attorney” does not, per se, makes it “personal property.” It depends on the whether the record fits the legal definition of “presidential record.”