Dewey's post
@Horace said in Dewey's post:
@Aqua-Letifer said in Dewey's post:
@Horace said in Dewey's post:
@Aqua-Letifer said in Dewey's post:
@Horace said in Dewey's post:
@Aqua-Letifer said in Dewey's post:
@Horace said in Dewey's post:
@Tom-K said in Dewey's post:
One think that troubles me though: Steve Miller said over there:
"The most memorable thing about that visit was learning that Larry in person was exactly the same as Larry on line."
I really wonder if that is true.They probably saw each other for five minutes.
The magic of "in person meetings" and the forging of deep understandings of who a person truly is, way deep down, is one of the most consistently overstated bits of nonsense one finds on online forums.
I think you're very wrong about that. Steve didn't look into the deepest parts of Larry's soul for those five minutes, but there's much more information that gets conveyed in person which you would otherwise never get reading what someone wrote.
One unequivocally true thing is that it would allow someone to credibly handwave a judgment.
The only reason that works is because everyone understands that meeting in-person provides more information than reading text.
Sure. But only in the context of talking about denizens of online forums, do in-person encounters count as deep experiences with another human being. If you met someone in person casually who you didn't happen to know in an online context, you would never claim to know the first thing about them. The in-person meeting would be nearly meaningless.
That's because you wouldn't also have, say, a decade's worth of text-based information about them. You don't know their body language or intonations prior to meeting, but over time, text ain't nothing either.
We are all the product of millions of years of evolution to maximize our ability to be shrugged off and disregarded as a normal acceptable human, regardless of what's going on inside our heart of hearts. Not that there's anything particularly deep going on inside a person's heart of hearts, no matter how far you dig. We are pretty simple creatures.
I don't think that's true, either. Everyone is a mix of fascinating, profound, boring, cringey and a host of other things.
@Aqua-Letifer said in Dewey's post:
se you wouldn't also have, say, a decade's worth of text-based information about them. You don't know their body language
I'm sorry that Dwain posted what he did about Larry. I understand why he did, and why he defends it, and I don't see him as one to take the high road or be self reflective or do anything but do what he did. It's also quite predictable that he censored others who tried to moderate his views or give context to what he wrote about Larry. That's just Dwain being Dwain.
@Ivorythumper said in Dewey's post:
@Aqua-Letifer said in Dewey's post:
se you wouldn't also have, say, a decade's worth of text-based information about them. You don't know their body language
I'm sorry that Dwain posted what he did about Larry. I understand why he did, and why he defends it
That's pretty much my take, too.
@Horace said in Dewey's post:
@Tom-K said in Dewey's post:
One think that troubles me though: Steve Miller said over there:
"The most memorable thing about that visit was learning that Larry in person was exactly the same as Larry on line."
I really wonder if that is true.They probably saw each other for five minutes.
I think it was way more than five minutes. But, yeah, Steve always said that about Larry.
As for Dwain....I'm actually really disappointed. My memory of him is vastly different from the man who wrote this post.
@Tom-K said in Dewey's post:
@Horace said in Dewey's post:
He wasn't really a religious person at all; the whole subject only mattered to him insofar as it bolstered his extreme right-wing politics.
One of the little peccadillos of (some/many) Protestants is to step into the shoes of God Almighty and declare judgement on some other Protestants that aren’t in full theological agreement as “unsaved” and “unbelieving.” This may be the case with Dewey here. I didn’t follow the Larry-Dewey wars all that closely but I’m sure Larry had a similar pronouncement. (As a Catholic I don’t get into these internecine arguments and actually the one thing that just about all these Protestants agree on is that Catholics are “unsaved” and “unbelieving.”) Anyway, I do take issue here with Dewey’s appraisal. I remember when Wacky Iraqi was on the board and had terminal cancer Larry stopped his usual harangue, changed his whole demeanor, and tried to convert Wacky to the Gospel and save his soul before he died. It is exactly what Christians are supposed to do. Larry really impressed me by how he took his faith and Wacky’s salvation so seriously. It didn’t even occur to me to do something similar. And not that I would have even if it did. But Larry did it and that would be a Christian.
Well, there’s that. As to the tone of Dewey’s missive—Dewey was butt hurt by Larry and he’s just expressing what he feels. Larry, I’m sure would do something similar is the shoe was on the other foot. Next door the people there are pretty much dancing on Larry’s grave. They were sometimes on the wrong end of Larry’s personal invectives and are venting. The gleefulness is a bit troubling, but that is the sandbox we all play in. But those over there tend to see the mote in Larry’s eye and not see the plank in their own—right from the beginning they expected to lecture the poor conservatives on the error of our ways with equal measures of condescension and pity and they expected us acquiesce to their wisdom, but instead to their surprise they got one hell of a fight. All good.
One think that troubles me though: Steve Miller said over there:
"The most memorable thing about that visit was learning that Larry in person was exactly the same as Larry on line."
I really wonder if that is true.Missing your target a bit.
Most protestants don't think Catholics are unsaved or unbelieving. We do reject sacerdotalism and don't understand how y'all got so hung up on that Mary thing. And we'll just mark that building the Church on Peter idea, down to a reading comprehension problem.
As for protestant vs. protestant, most don't sweat the small stuff. I don't care if Pentecostals believe they need to speak in tongues, or Baptists abhor taking an alcoholic drink, etc. Where I do have a problem with any Christian or somebody who identifies as Christian, is when they portray something irrefutably sinful as being okey-dokey. It just doesn't work that way.
And be we whatever shade of Christianity, those pastoral letters still apply to the leadership of the church. The clergy is held to a higher standard. They don't always meet it, but they must strive to do so.
@Aqua-Letifer said in Dewey's post:
but there's much more information that gets conveyed in person which you would otherwise never get reading what someone wrote.
True. For example, I don’t even look like a key
@jon-nyc said in Dewey's post:
I guess one could be wrong with the initial in-person impression but as someone who has met scores of forumites over the years there are some who are pretty much the same as online and there are some who are very different in person, often times in the latter case it’s people who are far more argumentative online but not so much in person. (Quirt is an excellent example of the latter).
I hope so, since the man can be an absolute asshole on-line.
OTH, most lawyers like to argue. Maybe that's why they seek out the profession.
I got to know Quirt pretty well when he lived in this area - I liked him a lot. He's a lot of fun to hang out with.
I'll take y'all's word for it. Seems like a nice lady he's married to, so he must have some redeeming qualities.
Me, I'm just me. I write like I talk, except it's hard to convey the redneck accent in text. I try to have manners, have known to be cordial on occasion, tend to say what I think and if I think you are trying to intimidate me, I'll rip your ears off and feed them to you.
I'm just a big teddy bear 🧸.
@jodi said in Dewey's post:
All I can think of as I watch this piling on from both “sides” is that Larry would have loved this sh*t. It’s actually made me laugh out loud a couple of time. Sorry, I’m in a weird place in my mind lately. A weird and sometimes overwhelming grief that pops up at strange times from losing my Dad and both of our cats this year, along with my mom’s dementia that has taken her mostly away, even though her body is still there. Really hard. So death has been on my mind a lot lately.
Tough times. I will send positive thoughts to you.
There appears to be an unfortunate consensus forming amongst the Dewites that Larry was a nearly complete fiction. That the life narratives he wove online were largely invented. Personally, I suspect the narrative that Larry was almost complete fiction, is more fictitious than the stuff he wrote about himself. But confirmation bias, as always, rules the day in the minds of many.
@Jolly said in Dewey's post:
But at least we have a cool nickname....The Wolfpack.
I'm not part of that bullshit, though, right? I could never abide any clique so crass and irreverent that it'd have the likes of me as a member.