RIP Larry
Just got back to a WiFi connection to learn the sad news that Larry has left us. He and I used to message one another regular basis about music stuff. The two of us shared a lot in common in that regard although our specific tastes were quite different.
The last time we directly corresponded with each other was in late winter. Strange, but at the time I sensed something was just not right with him health wise, although he made no indication of it. When Dr. George posted last week about his exchange with Larry and the diagnosis it did not come as a surprise. In fact, I recall Larry having beat lung cancer once already about 15 or so years ago. It obviously returned with a vengeance.
R.I.P. good soul. Hope you’re jammin’ up there with your friends - Waylon, Johnny and Guy.
Thank you Jolly and it's nice to say hello. We've all kind of grown up a bit together.
I can't help but thinking of Larry up in heaven meeting God and finding out (by some off chance) that God's not a Dyed in the Wool, Blood of the Lamb, Baptist and then Larry sitting God down and quoting Him KJV chapter and verse explaining to God's why He's mistaken and why He should repent of his wrongful ways. That would be Larry.
I want to express my condolences to Larry’s friends here and his family and friends in TN. I particularly want to send prayers to his mother, and Sarah. I’ve often wondered if Sarah helps provide care for Larry’s mom. It’s an awful event to lose a child at any stage of life. I imagine this grief is immense. I hope too the workers on his farm are able to keep their jobs, and continue to work his land. Larry seemed to hold much pride in this land. I liked reading Larry’s stories of altruism. They were often colourful and held meaning for me. A couple of times he inspired my own random acts of kindness.
Miss you, @blondie
I miss socks. They can be hilarious.
(Ax wasn't around for a reply so I had to fill in.)
It's no secret that Larry and I didn't get along. When things got too vitriolic, I proposed that he and I stay in our separate camps, go our separate ways. That he stay in his corner and I stay in mine. That mostly worked from then on, which I always appreciated. That's as good as it got between him and me.
Nobody can expect to get along with everybody all the time. Bette Davis observed that if nobody dislikes you, you must be a very boring person. Larry kept me from feeling like a boring person -- not a small thing.
(maybe a bit off topic, so apology in advance)
I thought it was kind of weird that his wife was not mentioned in the summary George posted. My first thought was that his mom and his wife did not get along. :eek
(maybe a bit off topic, so apology in advance)
I thought it was kind of weird that his wife was not mentioned in the summary George posted. My first thought was that his mom and his wife did not get along. :eek
@taiwan_girl his kids weren't mentioned either.
@taiwan_girl his kids weren't mentioned either.
@George-K Thats right. Kind of strange, but family issues/fights/secrets can be pretty strange also.
@George-K Thats right. Kind of strange, but family issues/fights/secrets can be pretty strange also.
@taiwan_girl I know that his son was...problematic. Substance abuse, run-ins with the law. HIs daughter and he became estranged years ago. Her husband was...problematic as well.
Also, no mention of his grandkids.
(maybe a bit off topic, so apology in advance)
I thought it was kind of weird that his wife was not mentioned in the summary George posted. My first thought was that his mom and his wife did not get along. :eek
@taiwan_girl said in RIP Larry:
(maybe a bit off topic, so apology in advance)
I thought it was kind of weird that his wife was not mentioned in the summary George posted. My first thought was that his mom and his wife did not get along. :eek
As somebody who is pretty familiar with the funeral biz, the posted obit is only as good as what the immediate family insists on. It's done at the time arrangements are made.
And folks, it's a business. Mark up on caskets is better than 300% in most cases. Formalin is cheap and the embalming process is not that complicated. Cremation is nothing more than a gas oven, lined with refractory brick, with a thermostat and a timer.
@taiwan_girl said in RIP Larry:
(maybe a bit off topic, so apology in advance)
I thought it was kind of weird that his wife was not mentioned in the summary George posted. My first thought was that his mom and his wife did not get along. :eek
As somebody who is pretty familiar with the funeral biz, the posted obit is only as good as what the immediate family insists on. It's done at the time arrangements are made.
And folks, it's a business. Mark up on caskets is better than 300% in most cases. Formalin is cheap and the embalming process is not that complicated. Cremation is nothing more than a gas oven, lined with refractory brick, with a thermostat and a timer.