Peterson + Shapiro
You all been checking out Daily Wire+? Peterson's now a creative partner and for his part, he's cranking out a ton of shit on YouTube thanks to this partnership. Multiple videos daily. Then there's the stuff on the platform — his Exodus explorations are finally getting made and published, and another mini-series that's already up.
They're giving things a serious go.
Good for him. I'll have to watch and listen.
@Jolly said in Peterson + Shapiro:
Good for him. I'll have to watch and listen.
Here's one he published with the help of the new team 4 hours ago.
Link to video -
I remember hearing Shapiro on a podcast with Sam Harris (hosted by someone else I think) and he sounded smart and nuanced.
So I checked out his podcast but it was just red meat for bubba. So I sort of gave up on him.
Ross Douthat once said there’s two approaches to political punditry, one where you try to open the minds of people who might not agree with you, and the other where you further close the minds of those who already do.
Shapiro seems capable of the first, but probably finds the second brings in more revenue
I remember hearing Shapiro on a podcast with Sam Harris (hosted by someone else I think) and he sounded smart and nuanced.
So I checked out his podcast but it was just red meat for bubba. So I sort of gave up on him.
Ross Douthat once said there’s two approaches to political punditry, one where you try to open the minds of people who might not agree with you, and the other where you further close the minds of those who already do.
Shapiro seems capable of the first, but probably finds the second brings in more revenue
I remember hearing Shapiro on a podcast with Sam Harris (hosted by someone else I think) and he sounded smart and nuanced.
So I checked out his podcast but it was just red meat for bubba. So I sort of gave up on him.
Ross Douthat once said there’s two approaches to political punditry, one where you try to open the minds of people who might not agree with you, and the other where you further close the minds of those who already do.
Shapiro seems capable of the first, but probably finds the second brings in more revenue
Take them for what they are.
@jon-nyc That's a good summary. If you want some popcorn videos, just search youtube for Shaprio clips at speeches where he "destroys" folks during Q&A sessions lol. It's enjoyable to fast he thinks.
@89th said in Peterson + Shapiro:
@jon-nyc That's a good summary. If you want some popcorn videos, just search youtube for Shaprio clips at speeches where he "destroys" folks during Q&A sessions lol. It's enjoyable to fast he thinks.
It’s far more likely that he’s practiced and prepared. Let’s face it, the questions and arguments that he’s being given from the liberal college students aren’t exactly new. They are mostly repeated talking points that he is well prepared for. That doesn’t mean he’s not very intelligent and quick, but let’s keep the context.
@jon-nyc said in Peterson + Shapiro:
@Jolly said in Peterson + Shapiro:
Take them for what they are.
I said I wrote them off, didn’t I?
I wouldn't go that far. That's probably 40% of the choir he's preaching to. Maybe more, considering the current Resident.
@jon-nyc said in Peterson + Shapiro:
@Jolly said in Peterson + Shapiro:
Take them for what they are.
I said I wrote them off, didn’t I?
For what it's worth, DailyWire+ is not that. It's not Shaprio sticking it to stupid libs. It's basically Shapiro does Netflix: all kinds of crap. They even have kids shows.