Puberty Blockers MORE likely to lead to suicide ideation m
Population control by self-selection.
I think we're going to look back on this rush to transgenderism and wonder what the hell we were doing.
I think we're going to look back on this rush to transgenderism and wonder what the hell we were doing.
@Jolly said in Puberty Blockers MORE likely to lead to suicide ideation m:
I think we're going to look back on this rush to transgenderism and wonder what the hell we were doing.
Why doesn't the very term puberty blockers bring out the . . .
. . . in our bosoms or our brains or our souls?
I listened to a Vox podcast last night, a conversation between one of the Vox employees, a trans woman, and a trans woman who works for the ACLU. The ACLU
guygirl I think was part of the Depp trial too. Small world. But this conversation was all about trans issues. I was half hoping it would be a discussion where the trans side attempted to understand the other side, those who believe children shouldn't be making permanent decisions like this, or those who think biological men shouldn't compete with women in sports, but there was none of that. Imagine two stereotypical shrill whiny sort-of-like-a-girl voices saying things like "omg they want to kill us" and "I'm terrified of what is happening", for an hour. It's not that they need to establish to reasonable, non-trans people any of their positions are for the good of society. It's that they are right, everybody who disagrees is wrong, and every one of these issues, to them, is existential in that every debate is a gateway to society wanting to kill them. Add to that, the fact that these people self-mutilate in service of their perception of reality, and you can imagine that they are the hardest liners of all hard liners. Talk about scary, they are scary soldiers and they well and truly do not care what anybody else thinks. At least, not the ones I've heard talk. I would assume there are trans people who would like to blend in, rather than shove it down everybody's throats. And who might have something approaching an understanding for the other side of the discussion. But those types don't have the mic. -
I listened to a Vox podcast last night, a conversation between one of the Vox employees, a trans woman, and a trans woman who works for the ACLU. The ACLU
guygirl I think was part of the Depp trial too. Small world. But this conversation was all about trans issues. I was half hoping it would be a discussion where the trans side attempted to understand the other side, those who believe children shouldn't be making permanent decisions like this, or those who think biological men shouldn't compete with women in sports, but there was none of that. Imagine two stereotypical shrill whiny sort-of-like-a-girl voices saying things like "omg they want to kill us" and "I'm terrified of what is happening", for an hour. It's not that they need to establish to reasonable, non-trans people any of their positions are for the good of society. It's that they are right, everybody who disagrees is wrong, and every one of these issues, to them, is existential in that every debate is a gateway to society wanting to kill them. Add to that, the fact that these people self-mutilate in service of their perception of reality, and you can imagine that they are the hardest liners of all hard liners. Talk about scary, they are scary soldiers and they well and truly do not care what anybody else thinks. At least, not the ones I've heard talk. I would assume there are trans people who would like to blend in, rather than shove it down everybody's throats. And who might have something approaching an understanding for the other side of the discussion. But those types don't have the mic.@Horace said in Puberty Blockers MORE likely to lead to suicide ideation m:
I would assume there are trans people who would like to blend in, rather than shove it down everybody's throats. And who might have something approaching an understanding for the other side of the discussion. But those types don't have the mic.
And it is those we must hang our hat on, and not those you listened to.
Maybe as the golly-gee factor fades, those more reasonable voices will find a place to be heard.
Devoutly to be wished for.
I think we're going to look back on this rush to transgenderism and wonder what the hell we were doing.
Get a cup of coffee…
A couple of snippets with attribution
Though research demonstrates that gender confusion generally resolves itself without medical intervention,2
James M. Cantor, “Transgender and Gender Diverse Children and Adolescents: Fact-Checking of AAP Policy,” Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2020), pp. 307–313, (accessed May 25, 2022). Also see Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association, 2013), pp. 451–459, and Ryan T. Anderson, When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment (New York, NY: Encounter Books, 2018), pp. 93–144.
sooAnother snippet
The effects of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones as a medical intervention for adolescents who identify as transgender have never been subjected to a large-scale randomized controlled trial (RCT), like the kind that is typically required for approval of new medications.23
Claudia Haupt et al., “Antiandrogen or Estradiol Treatment or Both During Hormone Therapy in Transitioning Transgender Women,” Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Vol. 11, No. 11 (November 2020), (accessed May 26, 2022).Happy Pride Month!
@LuFins-Dad said in Puberty Blockers MORE likely to lead to suicide ideation m:
Happy Pride Month!
Nice job sliding that in there.
I think we're going to look back on this rush to transgenderism and wonder what the hell we were doing.
@Jolly said in Puberty Blockers MORE likely to lead to suicide ideation m:
I think we're going to look back on this rush to transgenderism and wonder what the hell we were doing.
Specifically the medical interventions. This is like the lobotomy of the modern era.
J jon-nyc referenced this topic on