Maybe stop using social media.
@Catseye3 said in Maybe stop using social media.:
|<<So what if you just walked away from all of it?
It wouldn't keep people from traveling. Ask jon, Klaus or bach. But to really answer your question, you have to understand the various user types. And there can be a lot of overlap here, but this is my understanding of, say, Insta users. On the platform, you have:
Personal users. These folks still use the platform like they did 8 years ago. They don't try to gain a following, they just interact with people they know and like. I don't think these people yet understand that their online connections will dissolve on these platforms. Were they to walk away, no big deal I guess. Discord and WhatsApp kind of provide what they're looking for.
Amateur content creators. These people have it rough. They don’t really see reality in terms of what it is anymore. They can’t just take a day trip to the shore and hang out at some wine bar, they also have to view that experience as potential fodder for the online engagement they're addicted to. (A lot of them sadly are still chasing followers, which mean nothing anymore.) If their “look up” reel at the wine bar tanks, they get depressed, despite having a good time there. (A LOT of kids are in this category, by the way.) Were these people to walk away, it’d be the best thing for them.
Actual influencers. I feel sorry for these poor bastards. They’re already relics, because as I mentioned, followers no longer mean anything. But in order to stay relevant, they’re going to have to do crazier and crazier shit to get your eyeballs on them. Some will be able to and thrive, but it’s going to be harder. A lot of them have a decent financial stake in keeping the train on the tracks, though, so it’s going to be much harder for them to leave a particular platform. Their engagement numbers mean money to them.
Small businesses. Now we get into the difference between organic and paid social. If these businesses are trying to play the organic game, I honestly don’t know why they bother anymore. Very and I mean very specific kinds of content yield organic returns on these platforms now, and these companies aren’t producing it, by and large. But in terms of paid social, ads on some platforms like Twitter and Instagram are still undervalued, and Facebook’s targeting is second to none, so it might be worth it to stick around. Were they to walk away, they’d miss out on localized adverts, but they aren’t addicted to these platforms, so they might as well stick around.
Big businesses. They’ll thrive, because they have the money to make paid social work for them. They won’t bounce, nor should they.
@Aqua-Letifer said in Maybe stop using social media.:
@Jolly said in Maybe stop using social media.:
Social media?
Never started.
Nice flex.
If you got it, flaunt it.
@Jolly said in Maybe stop using social media.:
@Aqua-Letifer said in Maybe stop using social media.:
@Jolly said in Maybe stop using social media.:
Social media?
Never started.
Nice flex.
If you got it, flaunt it.
I don't think it really profits anyone to not understand something. This is how you get craziness like "Twitter is a liberal Nazi platform because that's all I ever see mentioned on Fox."
And you're engaging with YouTube, so you can't claim you're fully removed from it. The vast majority of YT users don't upload, either.
@Jolly said in Maybe stop using social media.:
To amateur content creators...What about the person who has been so successful, they are now considered among the experts in their field?
Well right now, we're transitioning from the old model—followers/followings, people actually deciding what they see and interact with, along with suggestions peppered in—to the new model of all algo serving, all the time.
I don't know to what extent this will happen, but basically, they better start getting entertaining if they want to keep eyes on them.
I don't know if these platforms will ever get rid of followers & followings, but don't believe for a second that just because you follow someone, you'll see what they're going to post next. Following people means nothing anymore and hasn't for the past year.
@89th said in Maybe stop using social media.:
Probably one of my biggest pet peeves is watching my wife get pulled into that world of scrolling while our kids are around.
Same! My wife and I talk about this all the time. She's into insta. She completely agrees with the sentiment that it's a time stealer - but it remains a powerful pull.
I belong to a Facebook group on non-fiction books. What's fascinating there is one comes to realize that while there are some thoughtful people participating, a huge percentage of people are idiots incapable of discussion. That is, dismiss what is not a part of the tribe's code. I recently read The Diversity Delusion which details some of the problems with the acceptance strategies of colleges along with policies implemented by colleges to address "rape culture." Lastly, the author attacks some of the ways students have stifled speech. People on FB attacked the author and the book without reading a word of the book. Diversity=Good. Suggest that the implementation of some diversity initiatives may not be in the interest of those it is intended to help and concomitantly harms another group? - Your are BAD. Similar things happen when people present books on religion. Admittedly, some people ask good questions - and some provide thoughtful answers, but that happens too seldom.
@kluurs said in Maybe stop using social media.:
I belong to a Facebook group on non-fiction books. What's fascinating there is one comes to realize that while there are some thoughtful people participating, a huge percentage of people are idiots incapable of discussion. That is, dismiss what is not a part of the tribe's code. I recently read The Diversity Delusion which details some of the problems with the acceptance strategies of colleges along with policies implemented by colleges to address "rape culture." Lastly, the author attacks some of the ways students have stifled speech. People on FB attacked the author and the book without reading a word of the book. Diversity=Good. Suggest that the implementation of some diversity initiatives may not be in the interest of those it is intended to help and concomitantly harms another group? - Your are BAD. Similar things happen when people present books on religion. Admittedly, some people ask good questions - and some provide thoughtful answers, but that happens too seldom.
Woke Racism by McWhorter is probably the most important and insightful book deconstructing American tribal political culture and all the virtuous feels it relies on, but it’s not as if it made a dent in any leftist mind space. This goes to show the truth of its primary insight, which is that the race narrative, that most foundational piece of leftist political ideology, is a religion.
@Aqua-Letifer "I don't think it really profits anyone to not understand something."
It depends on the something. It's like selectivity in the matter of which news items you choose to investigate. If there are more news (or quote-unquote "news") outlets than are necessary, does their being available itself obligate me to peruse them all? I don't think so. I learn what I want to learn and let the rest go.
In any case, the understanding of whether something profits you or is not always accessible to you. I may eventually regret not understanding something, but maybe I won't.
A book suggested by one of the respondents was The Coddling of the American Mind. It's next on my burgeoning "must read" list. It's odd that people choose to only read authors, posts, and articles consistent with their own views. I try to read things from thoughtful people who I disagree with - and even sometimes a few of the non-thoughtful people just to make myself feel good about myself.
I have been toying with the idea of taking some graduate classes at age 68. I wonder about my ability to refrain from creating micro-aggressions. Could be interesting though.
@kluurs "A book suggested by one of the respondents was The Coddling of the American Mind.
That sounds interesting!
Excerpt from Amazon: "First Amendment expert Greg Lukianoff and social psychologist Jonathan Haidt show how the new problems on campus have their origins in three terrible ideas that have become increasingly woven into American childhood and education: what doesn’t kill you makes you weaker; always trust your feelings; and life is a battle between good people and evil people. These three Great Untruths are incompatible with basic psychological principles, as well as ancient wisdom from many cultures. They interfere with healthy development. Anyone who embraces these untruths—and the resulting culture of safetyism—is less likely to become an autonomous adult able to navigate the bumpy road of life."
6,034 ratings, average 4.5 stars.
@Horace said in Maybe stop using social media.:
My 15 second youtube video where I started an air fryer got 1300 views within several hours of putting it up. And yet my creative genius is still denied by some. Sad.
How long did it take you to view that 1250 times?
@bachophile said in Maybe stop using social media.:
Paywall. But I am curious was Jane Coaston has to say. I’ve spent some time listening to her share her opinions on Vox podcasts.
@Horace this is the gist
"Most people don’t utilize the platform or care all that much about it. A 2021 Pew Research Center survey found that 77 percent of American adults did not use Twitter. Most of those who do tweet don’t visit the site every day, according to that survey. A Pew study, also from 2021, found that 97 percent of tweets are produced by the top 25 percent of Twitter users, the people who are most active on the platform."
"Twitter also can distort political reality. If you spend a lot of time there, you are most likely seeing other people who tweet a lot, a group that doesn’t represent real life. So you might vastly overestimate the number of people who support, say, packing the Supreme Court and underestimate the number of people who don’t vote at all. "
"And sometimes Twitter lends itself to the unfortunate Extremely Online attitude, which I defined a few years ago as being deeply enmeshed in internet culture and believing that events in that milieu — like trending topics on Twitter and viral Facebook posts — matter in the offline world, too."
@bachophile said in Maybe stop using social media.:
@Horace this is the gist
"Most people don’t utilize the platform or care all that much about it. A 2021 Pew Research Center survey found that 77 percent of American adults did not use Twitter. Most of those who do tweet don’t visit the site every day, according to that survey. A Pew study, also from 2021, found that 97 percent of tweets are produced by the top 25 percent of Twitter users, the people who are most active on the platform."
"Twitter also can distort political reality. If you spend a lot of time there, you are most likely seeing other people who tweet a lot, a group that doesn’t represent real life. So you might vastly overestimate the number of people who support, say, packing the Supreme Court and underestimate the number of people who don’t vote at all. "
"And sometimes Twitter lends itself to the unfortunate Extremely Online attitude, which I defined a few years ago as being deeply enmeshed in internet culture and believing that events in that milieu — like trending topics on Twitter and viral Facebook posts — matter in the offline world, too."
I listened to a recent podcast with Ezra Klein, who is this writer’s boss. He thinks Twitter is the most important narrative shaper in America, and he thinks narratives are fundamental to all of politics. I suspect Ms Coaston would eagerly agree with his sentiments, even as she writes columns like this one where she pretends to be above it all, and to keep it all in perspective.