Taking On The Mouse
Rewarding friends and punishing enemies are not really the same thing. One is far more insidious.
@jon-nyc said in Taking On The Mouse:
Rewarding friends and punishing enemies are not really the same thing. One is far more insidious.
This was a public and transparent move to reward desantis supporters. It’s how politics is supposed to work, more so than less transparent sweetheart deals that reward far fewer people in more insidious ways.
Rewarding friends and punishing enemies are not really the same thing. One is far more insidious.
@jon-nyc said in Taking On The Mouse:
Rewarding friends and punishing enemies are not really the same thing. One is far more insidious.
Yes. Rewarding friends is far more insidious as it takes a public good and privatizes it. Punishing enemies is only a private harm.
You should think this through at some point when the stakes of the debating point de jour are behind us.
As much it seems unfair that cops let their friends off for various offenses, if the local department had it out for me and decided to make me their target it would thousands of times worse.
You should think this through at some point when the stakes of the debating point de jour are behind us.
As much it seems unfair that cops let their friends off for various offenses, if the local department had it out for me and decided to make me their target it would thousands of times worse.
@jon-nyc said in Taking On The Mouse:
You should think this through at some point when the stakes of the debating point de jour are behind us.
As much it seems unfair that cops let their friends off for various offenses, if the local department had it out for me and decided to make me their target it would thousands of times worse.
Rewarding friends was your term, not giving them a pass.
You should think this through at some point when the stakes of the debating point de jour are behind us.
As much it seems unfair that cops let their friends off for various offenses, if the local department had it out for me and decided to make me their target it would thousands of times worse.
@jon-nyc said in Taking On The Mouse:
You should think this through at some point when the stakes of the debating point de jour are behind us.
I would recommend you re-think this when your conceit of always being the most objective person in the room has passed, but let's not hold our breath.
As much it seems unfair that cops let their friends off for various offenses, if the local department had it out for me and decided to make me their target it would thousands of times worse.
A much better analogy would be when cop no longer let a friend off for speeding tickets, after that person pissed the cop off for some personal reason. That would be accepted as normal, no hand wringing necessary.
@jon-nyc said in Taking On The Mouse:
You’re the only one who thinks I’m objective. You tell me so at least once a month.
Once a month isn't bad when this thread alone contains at least two conceits about "any honest observer" thinking your way and requests that people wait till their biases have passed before attempting to engage with the subject.
Yes absolutely any honest observer can tell this move is retaliation. All you have to do is listen to DeSantis himself and his cheering section.
@jon-nyc said in Taking On The Mouse:
Yes absolutely any honest observer can tell this move is retaliation. All you have to do is listen to DeSantis himself and his cheering section.
Like a cop, no longer letting an ex-friend off for speeding, is retaliation for whatever the ex-friend did to be ex-friended. Sure, use the word if you want. I only reject the notion that it's a troublesome slippery slope, or not how politics is supposed to work, or remotely novel as far as precedent. That's your framing.
It’s not novel.
Remember Trump stopped a federal AWS contract because the WaPo said mean things about him? He also tried to block the ATT Time Warner merger because he didn’t like CNN.
Elizabeth Warren outlined a whole plan to break up five companies she thinks are mean.
I’m sure there are plenty of other examples actually done by democrats too, not just proposed. I’m kind of surprised George hasn’t already posted a list.
@Jolly said in Taking On The Mouse:
@jon-nyc said in Taking On The Mouse:
Mask mandates are a social issue.
If the Biden administration punished companies for taking a vocal stance against them that would be legitimate in your mind?
Good question, but mask mandates are also a workplace and productivity issue. That's a corporate issue, especially in healthcare.
Recruiting is a corporate issue too.
Social issues affect us in the workplace as well as the home.
@jon-nyc said in Taking On The Mouse:
@Jolly said in Taking On The Mouse:
@jon-nyc said in Taking On The Mouse:
Mask mandates are a social issue.
If the Biden administration punished companies for taking a vocal stance against them that would be legitimate in your mind?
Good question, but mask mandates are also a workplace and productivity issue. That's a corporate issue, especially in healthcare.
Recruiting is a corporate issue too.
Social issues affect us in the workplace as well as the home.
So...A mandate that affects everybody vs. less than 5% of possible recruits?
Ain't no way to run a railroad...
@jon-nyc said in Taking On The Mouse:
@Ivorythumper said in Taking On The Mouse:
@jon-nyc said in Taking On The Mouse:
Driving on public roads is a privilege. Maybe they can take licenses away from every Disney employee who publicly opposed the bill.
No, driving on public roads is not a privilege. It is a necessary condition for the commonweal.
Maybe you’re making a normative statement not a positive one? But as a point of law you are incorrect.
(It has real world ramifications, for example the legal standard the state must meet to revoke the privilege)
The fact that the State must act with due process to deprive someone of the right to drive on public roads tells us it is not a privilege. One has a natural right to access to all the goods of a society -- this is not privilege.
By your legal compass, walking freely on the sidewalk is also a privilege.
A driver's license is not a privilege, it readily must be given to anyone who demonstrates a basic competency and provides proof of legal and financial responsibility to protect the public and other private parties against financial harm. That the State enacts some regulation for the common good does not make it a privilege any more than a marriage license creates a privilege to marry, as distinct from ordering a natural right toward the common good.
@Ivorythumper said in Taking On The Mouse:
A driver's license is not a privilege,
I believe that might depend on the driver's citizenship.
My understanding is that in at least 16 states undocumented immigrants can just get a driver's license.
But a citizen must earn the privilege.
This is changing and, believe it or not, changing to make it slightly more difficult for illegals to get licensed.
Of course it varies by state.
It’s not novel.
Remember Trump stopped a federal AWS contract because the WaPo said mean things about him? He also tried to block the ATT Time Warner merger because he didn’t like CNN.
Elizabeth Warren outlined a whole plan to break up five companies she thinks are mean.
I’m sure there are plenty of other examples actually done by democrats too, not just proposed. I’m kind of surprised George hasn’t already posted a list.
@jon-nyc said in Taking On The Mouse:
It’s not novel.
Remember Trump stopped a federal AWS contract because the WaPo said mean things about him?
No I don't, and neither do you.
He also tried to block the ATT Time Warner merger because he didn’t like CNN.
Even CNN concedes that's just a theory
These may or may not have happened as you claim, but you seem quick to make unsubstantiated statements opportunistically as if they were dispostive....
Maybe Elon can buy Disney? Or the Daily Wire can build their own theme parks and entertainment megapoly.
I can’t wait to see the Ben Shapiro take on Encanto!
(h/t Cindy)
'Disney's self-governing special district, the Reedy Creek Improvement District, says that Florida's move to dissolve the district next year is not legal unless the state pays off Reedy Creek's extensive debts.
... Reedy Creek pointed out that the 1967 law [that created the district] also includes a pledge from Florida to its bondholders. The law states that Florida "will not in any way impair the rights or remedies of the holders ... until all such bonds together with interest thereon, and all costs and expenses in connection with any act or proceeding by or on behalf of such holders, are fully met and discharged."
The amount of Reedy Creak's outstanding bond debt is estimated to be about 1 billion dollars.
(h/t Cindy)
'Disney's self-governing special district, the Reedy Creek Improvement District, says that Florida's move to dissolve the district next year is not legal unless the state pays off Reedy Creek's extensive debts.
... Reedy Creek pointed out that the 1967 law [that created the district] also includes a pledge from Florida to its bondholders. The law states that Florida "will not in any way impair the rights or remedies of the holders ... until all such bonds together with interest thereon, and all costs and expenses in connection with any act or proceeding by or on behalf of such holders, are fully met and discharged."
The amount of Reedy Creak's outstanding bond debt is estimated to be about 1 billion dollars.
@Axtremus said in Taking On The Mouse:
The amount of Reedy Creak's outstanding bond debt is estimated to be about 1 billion dollars.
Tax the rich!
This is a good case of doing something for publicity and not thinking it to the long term.
Since this will not take effect for one year, I will predict that sometime over the next year, the law will very very quietly be cancelled.
Disney will claim victory. Florida politicians will claim victory in that they will say that Disney will keep out of politics. And, all will be back to where it was.
Doubt it.
The deal will get reworked. It's not going back to the original deal.
Florida has the leverage. While they stand to acquire a billion dollar expenditure, how much money do you think Disney has tied up into the Disneyworld complex?
DeSantis slapped the mouse's nose and it worked. He gained political capital, Disney might be a little less likely to poke their nose outside of their company business and at the end of the day, a new deal will be struck to the benefit of both parties.