Academy Awards - Will Smith Edition
Here's Dr Todd Grande's take, similar to mine:
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Good takes in this video. Acho (the guy on the right) is a compelling speaker.
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Cuckold Will Smith apologized today on Instagram, this time including Rock in the apology.
Link to videoSo, first he missed his opportunity to apologize to Rock last night during his acceptance speech, and now he missed his opportunity to acknowledge that mistake. I am sure in future interviews he will apologize for that too. His lag time between screw-up and apology is probably one public appearance, after which his publicist can coach him up. The man is a pure punk, terrified of owning his own mistakes. No wonder his wife cuckolded him.
Two things I don't understand is why security didn't stop him, and also why he wasn't kicked out, or at least taken away to somewhere quiet to calm down.
If somebody did this in a comedy club after been insulted by the comedian, they'd be kicked out and most likely arrested.
Nobody seems interested in the thought experiment about Rock getting slapped by a white actor. What do you all think? Race narrative media tsunami, or no big deal, because celebrity trumps race? I think a white actor would have been canceled, but the sick wife angle is admittedly compelling for public support.
@Horace said in Academy Awards:
Nobody seems interested in the thought experiment about Rock getting slapped by a white actor. What do you all think? Race narrative media tsunami, or no big deal, because celebrity trumps race? I think a white actor would have been canceled, but the sick wife angle is admittedly compelling for public support.
Oh, no...we don't get off that easy. I'm a racist for supporting Smith. Or Rock. Either one. Doesn't matter.
I'm pretty ashamed of my freaking hair. Hers looks way better than mine does at this point.
Many middle-aged white men have been in my shoes. And it has to be said they're pretty smelly shoes.
Two things I don't understand is why security didn't stop him, and also why he wasn't kicked out, or at least taken away to somewhere quiet to calm down.
If somebody did this in a comedy club after been insulted by the comedian, they'd be kicked out and most likely arrested.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Academy Awards:
Two things I don't understand is why security didn't stop him, and also why he wasn't kicked out, or at least taken away to somewhere quiet to calm down.
If somebody did this in a comedy club after been insulted by the comedian, they'd be kicked out and most likely arrested.
Because it was will smith, and also everyone was trying to figure out if it was part of the act
@George-K lol, I just was getting ready to post that!
@George-K said in Academy Awards - Will Smith Edition:
Only @bachophile will get this.
Keep your fucking neuromuscular blockade out of my patient.
Give me my fucking relaxation….
The Academy says it asked Will Smith to leave the award ceremony after the slapping incident but Will Smith refused to leave, says it is starting disciplinary proceedings against Will Smith.
I bet maybe a producer came up to Smith at one point and asked if he wanted to leave the ceremony, and I strongly doubt anyone actually asked Smith to leave. Again, for a while people didn't know if Rock/Smith had a rehearsed bit, plus Smith was a favorite to win an award later in the show.
I bet maybe a producer came up to Smith at one point and asked if he wanted to leave the ceremony, and I strongly doubt anyone actually asked Smith to leave. Again, for a while people didn't know if Rock/Smith had a rehearsed bit, plus Smith was a favorite to win an award later in the show.
@89th said in Academy Awards - Will Smith Edition:
I bet maybe a producer came up to Smith at one point and asked if he wanted to leave the ceremony, and I strongly doubt anyone actually asked Smith to leave.
I smell something fishy as well.
I guess that makes us conspiracy theorists.
Chris said something about it today:
Rock made his first public remarks about the incident. He was greeted by the audience at Boston’s Wilbur Theater with two back-to-back standing ovations, lasting several minutes.
“Let me be all misty and s***,” Rock said with tears in his eyes, gesturing to the crowd’s warm response.
“How was your weekend?” he quipped, to which the audience responded with laughter.
“I don’t have a bunch of s*** about what happened, so if you came to hear that, I had like a whole show I wrote before this weekend. And I’m still kind of processing what happened, so at some point I’ll talk about that s***. And it’ll be serious and it’ll be funny, but right now I’m going to tell some jokes.”
I guess those who think it was set up, must think he's really committed to the bit.
Probably wouldn't be very much fun to be bitch slapped in front of the world.