Whither the GOP post Trump 2020 election loss
Make up with Trump or be a failure, Republican colleague warns McConnell
Lindsey Graham tells Senate majority leader he won’t vote for someone ‘that can’t have a working relationship with Trump’
The move by Lindsey Graham comes amid a rumbling dispute between McConnell and Donald Trump, whose grip on the party remains near-total despite his impeachment for inciting the deadly Capitol attack in service of his lie that his defeat by Joe Biden was caused by electoral fraud.
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A Axtremus referenced this topic on
J Jolly referenced this topic on
Trump faces MAGA revolt over endorsement
… Trump is facing serious backlash from die-hard loyalists over his decision to intervene in a Tennessee House race, with his supporters accusing him of spurning a staunch Republican ally who’s running.
Where Trump called GOP Senator Lindsey Graham a RINO ("Republican in name only") after Sen. Graham criticized Trump for floating the idea of pardoning the January 6 Capitol rioters:
(h/t @xenon)
Pence rebukes Trump's claim that Pence had the power to "overturn the election." Pence reiterated that he did not have that power under the Constitution.
Trump does not talk about the vaccine or anymore, neither can the Republicans. Because of the GOP's anti-vax base, Trump and the Republicans shy away from talking about "Operation Warp Speed," the only thing about Trump's pandemic response that did not totally sucked.
A Axtremus referenced this topic on
Pence rebukes Trump's claim that Pence had the power to "overturn the election." Pence reiterated that he did not have that power under the Constitution.
@axtremus said in Whither the GOP post Trump 2020 election loss:
Pence rebukes Trump's claim that Pence had the power to "overturn the election." Pence reiterated that he did not have that power under the Constitution.
It's clear that the Senate and the House certify the electoral votes of the States, that this happens under the presidency of the Senate, and that there is precedent that Senate can request the States to recertify the electoral ballots. This is well established in US Law -- https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/3/15.
Trump was not in error here, and what he said about "overturning" is clearly reconcilable with this process of adjudication and verification, which is under the auspices of Congress presided over by the Senate President. No one informed of the Constitution would reasonably think Trump meant "Pence the Man" or even "Pence the Senate President" could unilaterally overturn an election, but that as Senate President he had the authority to return the ballots to the States for verification.
Trump does not talk about the vaccine or anymore, neither can the Republicans. Because of the GOP's anti-vax base, Trump and the Republicans shy away from talking about "Operation Warp Speed," the only thing about Trump's pandemic response that did not totally sucked.
@axtremus said in Whither the GOP post Trump 2020 election loss:
Trump does not talk about the vaccine or anymore, neither can the Republicans.
The don't need to talk about it -- Biden and the Democrats are the ones who rejected the vaccines while Trump was president, and then suddenly accepted it once it was politically advantageous for them to use centralized power (as all leftists do) to force compliance.
@axtremus said in Whither the GOP post Trump 2020 election loss:
Trump does not talk about the vaccine or anymore, neither can the Republicans.
The don't need to talk about it -- Biden and the Democrats are the ones who rejected the vaccines while Trump was president, and then suddenly accepted it once it was politically advantageous for them to use centralized power (as all leftists do) to force compliance.
@ivorythumper said in Whither the GOP post Trump 2020 election loss:
@axtremus said in Whither the GOP post Trump 2020 election loss:
Trump does not talk about the vaccine or anymore, neither can the Republicans.
The don't need to talk about it -- Biden and the Democrats are the ones who rejected the vaccines while Trump was president, and then suddenly accepted it once it was politically advantageous for them to use centralized power (as all leftists do) to force compliance.
Yes - and STILL more people died since Biden became resident than did when Trump was in office, the Biden administration has blocked the availability of therapeutic drugs, and have created a mess regarding testing.
Ax keeps trying to save Biden's and the democrats' asses.... it's too late for that.
“Among Republicans, a slight majority (52 percent) say Pence's view [on whether the Vice President could have overturned the 2020 presidential election] is closer in line to their way of thinking, while 36 percent say Trump's view is closer in line to their way of thinking.”
The Wisconsin GOP is fighting within itself, with a primary candidate whose campaign is built around the belief that the 2020 presidential election result can still be overturned.
The upheaval in Wisconsin is, in part, a reflection of primary politics that are unusually contentious nearly everywhere this year. And it’s an expression of near-universal anger among rank-and-file Republicans about Donald Trump’s defeat in 2020. But the rancor in Wisconsin is distinct in one important way. Unlike in some other states, such as Georgia and Arizona, activists here are not only repudiating their party’s entrenched elected officials, but the actual party itself.
Former attorney general William P. Barr says in a new book that the prospect of Donald Trump running for president again is “dismaying” and urges the Republican Party to “look forward” to other candidates, concluding after a searing, behind-the-scenes account of his time in the president’s Cabinet that Trump is not the right man to lead the country.
In the book, “One Damn Thing After Another,” Barr takes shot after shot at Trump, especially over his leadership during the coronavirus pandemic and his false claims that the election was stolen from him. Barr, who had a famous falling-out with Trump late in his presidency, writes that Trump’s “constant bellicosity diminishes him and the office,” and that in the final months of the administration, he came to realize that “Trump cared only about one thing: himself. Country and principle took second place.”
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“… Donald Trump on Wednesday rescinded his endorsement of Alabama Senate candidate Rep. Mo Brooks, citing comments by the House Republican that the results of the 2020 election cannot be overturned.“
“… Donald Trump on Wednesday rescinded his endorsement of Alabama Senate candidate Rep. Mo Brooks, citing comments by the House Republican that the results of the 2020 election cannot be overturned.“
@Axtremus said in Whither the GOP post Trump 2020 election loss:
“… Donald Trump on Wednesday rescinded his endorsement of Alabama Senate candidate Rep. Mo Brooks, citing comments by the House Republican that the results of the 2020 election cannot be overturned.“
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
.....is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
What the Brooks-Trump Embarrassment Is Showing Republicans
Donald Trump endorsed Rep. Mo Brooks on the presumption that Brooks was a faithful acolyte without scruple — for which, to be fair, there was considerable evidence — and then when Brooks faltered in the polls, unendorsed him in humiliating fashion.
Brooks responded with a statement about how Trump had pressured him to support throwing Joe Biden out of office, reinstating the former president, and holding a new presidential special election. To his minimal credit, Brooks didn’t bend to Trump’s demands. It raises the question, though, of why he was touting — indeed, making the main feature of his candidacy — the endorsement of a man who urged him to back these feverishly outlandish measures?
Such is the debacle in Alabama that it’s hard to know who looks worse — the endorser without an ounce of loyalty or the endorsee without an ounce of self-respect.
Still angry over 2020, Trump returns to Georgia seeking payback
https://www.reuters.com/world/us/still-angry-over-2020-trump-returns-georgia-seeking-payback-2022-03-26/“Trump has invested significant political capital in Georgia, endorsing a slate of statewide candidates in an effort to oust Governor Brian Kemp and his allies for failing to reverse the presidential results two years ago.”
Yeap, Trump is still playing king-maker in the GOP based on who he believes supports his narrative on the 2020 general election.
@Axtremus said in Whither the GOP post Trump 2020 election loss:
“… Donald Trump on Wednesday rescinded his endorsement of Alabama Senate candidate Rep. Mo Brooks, citing comments by the House Republican that the results of the 2020 election cannot be overturned.“
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
.....is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
@taiwan_girl said in Whither the GOP post Trump 2020 election loss:
@Axtremus said in Whither the GOP post Trump 2020 election loss:
“… Donald Trump on Wednesday rescinded his endorsement of Alabama Senate candidate Rep. Mo Brooks, citing comments by the House Republican that the results of the 2020 election cannot be overturned.“
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
.....is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
Trump endorses Dr. Oz for U.S. Senate seat in Pennsylvania. (Previously, Trump endorsed Sean Parnell for the same seat. "Parnell suspended his campaign in November 2021 after his estranged wife alleged physical abuse and he lost a battle over the custody of his three children.")
Trump’s endorsement touted Mehmet Oz’s books and television show, and said that “women, in particular, are drawn to Oz for his advice and counsel.” —portraying this quality as one that would help Oz win the election.