Memorial Day Plans?
I have a PK grill (cast aluminum box grill) and a Good One Open Range, which is a larger over and under unit. The Open Range is for larger longer smokes but the PK is my go to and the one i am using today. I so have a Broil King Signet 320 gas grill.
Get a PK and Finley's grandchildren will use it.
I may get a stick burner one day but I haven't found one I want yet. Good ones are more than I am willing to pay.
@Mik I've heard nothing but good things about PK, but my primary goal is something for 6 hour and longer smokes. As for a basic grill, my Weber's treated me well and I can pull off most shorter cooks just fine. A PK may be the ultimate replacement for the Weber, but that's not what I'm looking for yet.
I'd love something like a Jambo, but that's way too much to invest yet. I was thinking about getting a basic Oklahoma Joe offset and sealing it up. My understanding is that if you put a little extra work into them, they can be quite nice for the money. If you just use it straight from the factory, otoh, you will be disappointed. Then my research started taking me to barrel smokers. I'm so friggin confused...
If you have a Weber kettle you have no need for a PK. Both are wonderful grills. I do recommend a Vortex for the Weber..I understand they make for the best wings. Sadly they do not work on a box grill.
If you are considering an OK Joe, you might want to look at Old Country smokers at Academy (closest to you in NC). Their Smokehouse vertical is on my short list for stick/charcoal burners. About $600. If you really want a stick burner their Brazos is a great unit for $1K. 1/4" steel, but you have to tend the fire on those constantly. Looks like the Smokehouse is not in stock right now, but I like verticals because they take up so much less real estate.
If you want a set it and forget it a pellet grill might be for you.
How do those work?
Well, the vortex concentrates very high heat in the center, which make for great indirect smoking or grilling in a circle - like wings. The Slow-N-Sear concentrates the heat on one side also for indirect but with either of them you can put the meat directly above for a fast sear at high heat.
Damn, that's delicious-looking.
If you have a Weber kettle you have no need for a PK. Both are wonderful grills. I do recommend a Vortex for the Weber..I understand they make for the best wings. Sadly they do not work on a box grill.
If you are considering an OK Joe, you might want to look at Old Country smokers at Academy (closest to you in NC). Their Smokehouse vertical is on my short list for stick/charcoal burners. About $600. If you really want a stick burner their Brazos is a great unit for $1K. 1/4" steel, but you have to tend the fire on those constantly. Looks like the Smokehouse is not in stock right now, but I like verticals because they take up so much less real estate.
If you want a set it and forget it a pellet grill might be for you.
@Mik said in Memorial Day Plans?:
If you have a Weber kettle you have no need for a PK. Both are wonderful grills. I do recommend a Vortex for the Weber..I understand they make for the best wings. Sadly they do not work on a box grill.
If you are considering an OK Joe, you might want to look at Old Country smokers at Academy (closest to you in NC). Their Smokehouse vertical is on my short list for stick/charcoal burners. About $600. If you really want a stick burner their Brazos is a great unit for $1K. 1/4" steel, but you have to tend the fire on those constantly. Looks like the Smokehouse is not in stock right now, but I like verticals because they take up so much less real estate.
If you want a set it and forget it a pellet grill might be for you.
Ugly drum, perhaps?
The moles around here seem to follow the cicadas. You are, I believe due for a 17 year emergence this year.
I don't have a grill, or a smoker, or anything. Not even one of those 20 dollar cheap jobs like they sell at the dollar stores.... But I did get an itch for a complete outdoor kitchen, fireplace, fire pit etc while Sarah and I were hiding up in the mountains the other week. Did you know that a little 4.5 cubic foot outdoor refridgerator, it might hold a 12 pack of cokes.. is around 2500$$!!??!!?? Geez! That's just for a little refridgerator!! So I'm meeting with a guy who builds outdoor kitchens for a living next week to see how to do this in a way that makes sense. There has to be something between 50,000 and "hey I made the whole thing out of pallet wood"....