"Kingdom of Heaven"
A Ridley Scott movie from a while ago, having to do with the Crusades, starring Orlando Bloom, Liam Neeson, and a bunch of others. A real big, sprawling epic.
Scott has disavowed the theatrical cut, and only supports the director's cut, which adds 30 minutes and a couple of subplots.
I thought it might be interesting. Though it got mediocre reviews, the IMDB poll of users is not that bad.
Before investing in renting it, I thought I'd go to History Buffs and see what they think.
Not much.
What a scathing review.
Link to video -
It's a big, sprawling epic in the Ridley style. Summer popcorn
I enjoyed it for what it was, a piece of period fiction loosely built around historical facts. Well written and acted - in particular the actor who played Saladin. Eva Green wasn’t too shabby either, her usual vampish self. Elaborately staged. Worth watching.
havent seen it but i just heard a historian mention it on a podcast i listen to, basically saying it was 21th century conceptions and sensitivities dressed in middle age costumes. sort of anachronistic stuff not really devoted to being an accurate portrayal of the actual time setting.
so i can see how historians might not like it.