HOA fun
I am the neighborhood HOA Facebook group Administrator
Political discussion is forbidden by the Board
A couple weeks ago a member posted that she had a pile of Youngkin for Governor signs to distribute.
The post turned into a Youngkin rally
I don't care, I hate being the censor and avoid it like the plague
People complained
After much discussion, and of course eventually screaming, I removed the post
WW III began
This AM I removed hundreds of comments, deleted 2 members and warned others
This whole thing is so stupid.
No! You do not have First Amendment rights here! There are rules and it falls to me to enforce them.
Be nice. Or at least use good grammar and spelling and be polite.
I hate this.
People really wrap their identity/value in politics, it's a shameful waste of time. We have a similar HOA facebook page and someone posted a reminder a few weeks ago to vote, along with a picture of the 3 candidates they are supporting. Someone made a comment that politics did not belong on the page, so the author deleted her post. We don't have mods or specific rules banning it, but I'm glad it was self-resolved.
A couple years ago the HOA couldn't get their new web site software installed.
They thought it would take them months to get it installed and tested.
After sitting quietly through a painfully long discussion of this trouble, I couldn't stand it anymore.
I told them I would have the software installed and tested in a few days.
This amazing bit of data processing won me the Chairmanship of the Communication Committee. This includes being the Facebook admin.
Your current neighborhood or your old one?