What'd I miss?
Gosh, PJ, I never really got to know you. You were around a bit when I joined, but then you weren't. Glad to hear all is well with you, including getting rid of the cancer. Congrats on your family, too!
I'll step back to hear the others now. You'll want to hear from the ones you knew from years ago.
Gosh, PJ, I never really got to know you. You were around a bit when I joined, but then you weren't. Glad to hear all is well with you, including getting rid of the cancer. Congrats on your family, too!
I'll step back to hear the others now. You'll want to hear from the ones you knew from years ago.
I remember you, Brenda! Nice to "see" you again.
Hi PJ! Good to see you!
Hey! PJ!
Welcome back, PJ!
Hey PJ! Glad to see you. I also recently returned (in Feb?) after a 5+ year hiatus. Glad to hear about that PhD, I know you had been working on that (and other educational ventures) for a while...and you're extremely sharp, it's great to see all that you have accomplished so far and now it seems you are shifting into a teacher/mentor/author role even more. Good on ya!
Hey PJ! Yep, seen you on FB but it's not the same.
Wow! That's a lot of news! I guess 14 years will do that. Glad you are healthy and happy.
Let's see - daughter graduated from college in 2015, taught and directed theater for 4 years. now heading to grad school at UNCSA to get an MFA in Production and Project Management for the arts.
We retired last summer, and expected to be traveling. Man plans, God laughs. But we will get through.
Hey PJ, good to see you here - you pop up quite a bit on FB, too.
If you don't recognize the name, I'm the formerly apostrophe'd British idiot in New England - just up the road from you, I think.
Hmmm... what's happened in the last 14 years.....
Nope... nothing comes to mind....
Oh, wait... I did think of something.
8 or so years ago, I visited my brother in Florida and met up with TomK. We drank beer and played guitars for hours (6 or 7). Had a great time.
That's all I can think of.
Oh PJ, for me, in the last 5+ years or so:
- Got married (2013)
- Took various golf trips (2015-2018)
- Earned MBA (2018)
- Ran a few marathons, including New York City in 2017
- Had a kid (2018), expect another this November (2020)
Notice the golf stopped after having a kid, LOL
I plan to move to the Minneapolis area in 2021.
Hi PJ!
Happy to see you back in the nut house with the rest of us!
14 years ago I was still heavily into World of Warcraft and was part of a top 5 guild on the realm.
Discovered RC Helicopters and WoW went away. lol
About 5 years ago now, I picked up my acoustic guitar and started to practice in earnest. I now own 4 or 6 ot 7 of them. Four that are very sweet. Two that are not so sweet and 1 that is currently in rehab.
Still play the piano although the guitar has taken precedence over the past few years.
Oldest daughter graduated from Beloit college 5 years ago with a Chemistry degree and works for a large chemical company in Milwaukee.
Middle daughter moved out east and is doing well. Miss her terribly.
Youngest daughter is now 20 years old. OMG!!! She is still here with us and was working until the virus.
Mrs. Mark has had a few health issues but is doing well.
Our beloved dog of 16 years, Shadow, died about 6 years ago now. It took a while but we did get a new dog of the same breed, a Tibetan Terrier named Cosmo.
That's about it. I see you on FB all the time and admire your accomplishments and your family.
Hope you stick around.
Bet you didn't think someone would write as long of a post as you wrote! lol
Wow, hadn't been to TNCR in years; didn't realize it had moved!
In fact, I think it's been what, like 14 years or something since I was last active?
What have I missed in the last 14 years? Can someone catch me up?
It's been nice seeing a lot of you on Facebook, but I miss the rest of you! Just had a fun jog through memory lane with the search function at the old site. Remembering some of our members who have passed away. This place brings up such a mix of emotions and memories.
I've... changed quite a bit in the past 14 years. So, I thought I'd give you a quick run down of where I'm at, in case you're curious. Put a checkmark next to everything you predicted, and tally your score at the end?
I'm a girl. (Who knew?) I go back Samantha or Shuli now. But I'll still answer to PJ.
I'm a mom. (When I joined this place back in 2004, I was a junior in high school!)
I've been married for almost 10 years.
I have my PhD in historical musicology.
I'm an in-demand Yiddish teacher, currently flooded with so many new students thanks to stay-at-home orders that I don't know how to get it all done.
I write a blog about the music theory of Disney music.
I like Brussels sprouts.
I know that Brussels sprouts is capitalized.
I have cancer. A super rare, but also super benign, form of skin cancer called pagetoid reticulosis. Had radiation, used topical creams, and it's almost completely gone now. Yay!
I still play the piano, but not as much as I used to. Currently working on some Bach preludes and Frozen 2 songs. Most of my piano-playing these days involves composing/improvising.
I'm a composer and poet! People like my stuff. It's kind of wild. I've been approached twice by a publisher who wants my poems. Still wrapping my mind around that.
I have a website, www.CreativeShuli.com, where you can hear some of my music, read some of my poems, read part of my dissertation, and see a bit more of what I've been up to.
I probably won't spend much time around here... so overwhelmingly busy these days.
But I wanted to at least pop my head in and say hello!
And I'm curious to hear how you all have been, in nutshells.
@pianojerome said in What'd I miss?:
In fact, I think it's been what, like 14 years or something since I was last active?
Actually just under 8 years.
I sat next to Improv as he piloted an airplane.
That's about it.
Hi PJ,
nice to hear from you! Is being a Yiddish teacher your day job now?That looks like an interesting dissertation. Very different from the dissertations I usually see. Did you have any requirements for publishing parts of the dissertation in journals/conferences before submitting it?
@pianojerome said in What'd I miss?:
In fact, I think it's been what, like 14 years or something since I was last active?
Actually just under 8 years.
I sat next to Improv as he piloted an airplane.
That's about it.
@Copper said in What'd I miss?:
@pianojerome said in What'd I miss?:
In fact, I think it's been what, like 14 years or something since I was last active?
I sat next to Improv as he piloted an airplane.
He screamed the whole time,
Great to see you again PJ! I'm not on FB so I really appreciate the updates. There's not much different on my end.
Still in the same little house.
Still playing the same piano.
Still have the same husband.
Daughter #1 graduated conservatory and works for the city theater department.
Daughter #2 attends Tisch School in NYC; or did until the Rona hit.
14 years ago I had bull-mastiffs; now I have pugs.Hope you can stop by more often.
Hi PJ,
great to "see" you hear. Please come back more occasionally than 14 years!
Hello @pianojerome, Samantha, Shuli, good to have you back.
I don't think I've heard of Joseph Achron, but because you linked to you website which has an excerpt of your dissertation on Achron, I looked him up and listened to some of his compositions on YouTube. Among the excerpts I listened to was his 3rd violin concerto, and that reminded me of Miklós Rózsa's violin concerto. In the 25 or so years since I first heard Rózsa's violin concerto, I have never since heard anything else like it; now I have, and I like it. Unfortunately I could only fine 2 minutes of it on YouTube. If you know where else I can find the recording for the rest of Achron's 3rd violin concerto, I'd appreciate the pointer.
Anyway, good to hear from you again, and hope you'll stick around.