Bill Maher, Ben Shapiro, and Malcolm Nance
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I think I will need to watch the whole episode…
It's difficult not to notice that left-leaning people want to disavow "critical race theory" and all discussions of it, while whistling past the fact that - whatever it is - is getting inserted into the culture by force.
I've mentioned a (white) guy I took piano lessons with 15 years ago who went on to establish a newsletter focused on race and education. He is the bleeding heart of all bleeding hearts, and like all bleeding hearts, has plenty of anger at the Bad tribe which is ultimately behind all of his compassion. Emotional thinkers, when they don't find that others match their emotions, tend to become angry. Anyway, in this guy's most recent newsletter, he had this to say about the CRT 'debate':
we won’t be talking about Critical Race Theory. As a former high school history teacher, I’m not going to pretend there’s an actual debate about whether CRT is being taught or if it has a place in our schools. All due respect, but that’s not worth our time here.
Not worth discussing amongst mature adults. How convenient. I suppose it'll be worth discussing after enough time has passed that as many bad ideas as possible have been smuggled into the culture, then they can get their shocked face on whenever anybody wants to discuss them, but this time because everybody already knows that only racists would question those ideas.
he went on to recommend an Ezra Klein podcast with Ta-Nehisi Coates and some other race baiter. I'll have to listen. I'm not keeping up on my cutting edge leftist intellectual discussions about race.
@horace said in Bill Maher, Ben Shapiro, and Malcolm Nance:
he went on to recommend an Ezra Klein podcast with Ta-Nehisi Coates and some other race baiter. I'll have to listen. I'm not keeping up on my cutting edge leftist intellectual discussions about race.
In the Ezra Klein podcast, the other race baiter, Nicole Hannah-Jones of the 1619 project, claimed, in this serious intellectual discussion, that our media has dropped the ball in its obligation to talk about race and be on the correct, moral side of those discussions. The 1619 project is her example of media doing it right.
So, for those of us trying to triangulate what a lefty might actually have in their heads while they refuse to take discussions of CRT seriously, the 1619 project may be a good example. They can admit that they take that seriously, at least.
Ms Hannah-Jones says that all public figures and thinkers are bankrupt unless they realize that race is the primary organizing factor in America's political life. I bet some of you thought I was exaggerating when I told you that mainstream leftist thought was that race underpins all of American politics. Nope.
I bet Ms Hannah-Jones lacks the self-awareness to realize that she thinks that because it means she automatically wins all discussions due to her genetically endowed virtue. Which is to say, I don't think she's an intentionally manipulative douche. She's just a bog-standard human being, seeking and claiming advantage wherever she can, in her social climbing lifestyle. As it happens, this particular opportunism is socially encouraged, and even enforced, by the indoctrinated masses.
My take-home points from this cutting edge intellectual discussion about race, between three of the smartest, most racially educated people in the country:
- American history is about the black experience.
- Jefferson and Washington were good in some ways but also bad slave owners.
- The ignorant backlash against CRT is predicated on white people being afraid of losing their power.
- White people were deeply unsettled when Obama got elected (twice), and thus elected Trump. (Lots of talk about Trump, that he established that America is racist, and that he was a direct response by white Americans having been offended by having a black president.)
- America does not live up to its ideals and it is absurd for anybody to consider America to have any moral authority vis a vis the rest of the world, such as the Middle East.
- White progressives are too often all talk. They don't go far enough to establish their true virtue.
- White people are being paranoid and ignorant if they have any issue with high school history being taught as centered on slavery and the black experience. (As in the 1619 project)
- Obama's skin color was the main reason for the political opposition to him. His political ideas, speeches, and policies were unimportant factors, compared to his skin color.
- Trump had no policies, and only appealed to people's ignorance and racism.
- Children's imaginations are programmable, and it's important that we program children to have the correct imagination about politics and race. It is accepted as a given that adults, set in their ways, are not as programmable. Such people are not reachable by these cutting edge leftist intellectuals.
I’m going to watch Maher tonight and will pull up the podcast tomorrow.
A little side drama to this is SH as poor was getting a lot of support on Twitter after the fact, and Nance called them bots… Turned out they weren’t bots…
I like Ben Shapiro a lot, for the most part. Really sharp, great academic memory, and quick to make clear unambiguous points. It was quite the contrast to the other guy who was making bizarre comments that were not relevant or even remotely accurate, and quite immature too.
@89th said in Bill Maher, Ben Shapiro, and Malcolm Nance:
I like Ben Shapiro a lot, for the most part. Really sharp, great academic memory, and quick to make clear unambiguous points. It was quite the contrast to the other guy who was making bizarre comments that were not relevant or even remotely accurate, and quite immature too.
The other guy is the perfect vacuous sound bite parrot. I wonder how many times he's deployed that zinger about how his great great grandfather didn't escape slavery and fight in the civil war just so some white guy could dare talk about <anything to do with race>. The race rhetoric of the left is shamelessly idea-free. All virtue, no substance, and no competition. Just mic-dropping and slam dunking because one person has one skin color and the other person doesn't.