Mr. Biden goes to the moon on Apollo anniversary
He will be gone soon
This was yesterday
Link to videoRead the Whitehouse transcript here
(they left out the or, or, or, or, or, or)
@lufins-dad said in Mr. Biden goes to the moon on Apollo anniversary:
"Many of the attendees were touched by both the PSA and the old man."
There were about 500, but was by invitation only. A Town Hall is not a town hall. The questions were already known.
@mik said in Mr. Biden goes to the moon on Apollo anniversary:
There were about 500, but was by invitation only. A Town Hall is not a town hall. The questions were already known.
Remember the last guy? 90 minutes, no notes. Free-wheeling, no holds barred.
Good times. Good times...
Trump’s mind is ridiculously sharp, and I definitely miss his unscripted candid take on speeches and briefings. Biden…poor fella is about 10 years beyond his ability to think sharply on the spot. Similar to Kamala’s annoying laugh as a crutch, Biden’s “no I’m serious, think about it” phrase is really an old trick by now.