Elon Rift Begins -
Tolerance: Or Why I Won’t Be Seeing HamiltonI’ve been meaning to see it now that the hype has died down compared to a decade ago. We’ll probably see it this year.
TrumpenomicsWhat the hell does he know about markets?
Trumpenomics -
Misconduct Tracker for Federal Law EnforcementThen chances are it was a bad idea, poorly implemented.
$28 MThey should look into it but it’s not uncommon for early stage startups in biotech to not have a website. I know because I search some out that I believe have a nascent program in AATD. When you google them you get references to incorporation documents and little else.
Also ARPA-H is a strange beast. It’s not a normal grant making program of NIH. It was going for moonshots not incremental change. In theory that could make it more open for funny business. I’ll bet the reality is more boring than that.
Is anyone tracking DOGE lies?lol
Elon Rift BeginsAnd the baby mamas.
But this might not a rift so much as peacekeeping. My guess is he hears some complaints, probably indirectly, from the secretaries.
Supreme Court Smacks Trump Around A LittleHe was emoting, not reasoning. So yeah, the more partisan justices can be found to say some odd things some times. The top two partisans, he and Sotomayor, have both been guilty of it more than others.
Supreme Court Smacks Trump Around A LittleNo it would always and forever be appealable to the Supreme Court.
Trumpenomics -
Trumpenomics -
Supreme Court Smacks Trump Around A LittleAlso Kavanaugh was hardly looking at him admiringly.
Supreme Court Smacks Trump Around A Little -
Is anyone tracking DOGE lies? -
Trumpenomics@Renauda said in Trumpenomics:
Would help too to your perfidious demagogue president would stop licking Putin’s ass.
Let's not rush to judgement. He may just be licking the base of his own pinky. You can't really tell.
Physically attractive fired federal worker makes news for being sadFree IVF.
Bless her heart.
Is our progressive governors learning?Lol
The Ukraine war threadThe EO directed DHS to end all the specialized parole programs. This is the implementation. Had they wished to limit it to Haiti and Venezuela they could have chosen that route instead.
In fairness, the administration has recently said no decision has been made, so maybe they’ll still back off this one.