Eating Up the Borders. Screwing Up the PR.
What a hilarious name for this shitshow.
You all hear about this?
- EUTB hosts some kind of food festival celebrating minority/immigrant culinary diversity.
- Enter Israeli food truck.
- A fair amount of pro-Palestine, anti-Israeli nutters start blowing up EUTB's social media, specifically Facebook and Instagram. They shame them for allowing an Israeli business to participate.
- Amazingly, EUTB caves, and bans the only Israeli food truck at the food festival. Celebrating culinary diversity.
- This makes it into the press. Shitshow officially begins. The outrage machine even gets the governor involved.
- All EUTB social accounts have been disabled, in addition to their website's contact form.
Wow, from their statement:
This decision came from listening to the concerns of community that we love and serve. Our intent is never to cause any harm. We’re sorry, and we realize being more educated is the first step in preventing that from happening again.
"We're sorry we invited the Jews, but we learned our lesson and won't do that again"
I mean, obviously??? Why didn't they think this would happen?
Anyway, 3 cheers to the Israeli truck. Make them feel the hypocrisy.
@jon-nyc said in Eating Up the Borders. Screwing Up the PR.:
I mean, obviously??? Why didn't they think this would happen?
My theory is they were too far into the woke echo chambers to realize someone might actually see a problem with this.
I love the communication blackout approach, though. I mean they take that down but leave hilarious shit like this on their site:
EUTB appears to be dying on the pass.