Respiratory Distress
Had an older guy come in the ER yesterday with a 30.5 white count, 6.1 K and not breathing worth a toot. Doc working ER is a retired surgeon, so he tubed this guy as slick as could be, even though the patient was one of those guys with no neck. Patient was admitted to ICU.
All patients being admitted have a COVID LFT run. Even though this guy had been vaccinated, it pinged positive about as soon as I dropped it.
Statistically insignificant.
@george-k said in Respiratory Distress:
@jolly does COVID cause a leukocytosis like that?
Just skimming, I see that elevated WBC is associated with a poorer prognosis, but does he fit the picture of COVID in other areas? Is it possible he just has a garden-variety pneumonitis?
Possible. I manually scanned a slide and didn't see an abnormal amount of bands. The auto-diff showed about 80% segs and I let that slide, since it matched what I was seeing.
Somewhat interesting...