Don't piss off the Amazon driver
A woman working as an Amazon delivery driver was arrested in Castro Valley after she repeatedly punched a 67-year-old woman wondering where her package was, authorities said.
Alameda County Sheriff's deputies took Itzel Ramirez, 21, into custody on Thursday.
That's after they received a 911 call from the victim who said the Amazon driver punched her at least 10 times around the face and head.
Video shows the Amazon worker repeatedly striking the other woman.
The owner of the apartment complex told KTVU it all began when the victim received an alert that her package had been delivered. But when she went to the lobby, it wasn't there. She saw the Amazon, asked where it was, and the driver said she'd get it soon.The victim waited for 15 minutes in the lobby, came back outside and asked where her package was.
"I believe the Amazon driver said something about ‘your white privilege,’ and my tenant said, ‘You don’t need to be a bitch about it,' turned around and walked away," said apartment complex owner Doug Smith.
Ramirez claims she hit the woman in self-defense.
The Amazon driver is deservedly screwed but I would have loved to hear the dialogue to see who treated who badly in the verbal altercation portion. If the “elderly” woman was abusive maybe she will remember in the future how to treat other human beings.
It’s funny how my “white privilege” bias first noticed the potential for the white person being the jerk.
Not to worry, the media will be all over this white hatred narrative, and our culture will learn a very valuable lesson.
To be serious - almost zero chance that elderly white lady wasn't a card carrying progressive, given her geographical location. (Not too far from me here in the Bay Area.)
I have a hard time imagining how whatever happened was the fault of the Amazon driver. I also have a hard imagining how someone better off and older than another person decides to mouth off to that person. Of course i couldn’t hear what was said.
@loki said in Don't piss off the Amazon driver:
I have a hard time imagining how whatever happened was the fault of the Amazon driver. I also have a hard imagining how someone better off and older than another person decides to mouth off to that person. Of course i couldn’t hear what was said.
A 67 year old woman who lives in an apartment is probably not too well off. What set off the Amazon driver was that the woman called her a bitch. I am sure the woman was pushy and not very polite about waiting for her package, and the driver pushed back, and it escalated to naughty words, which then escalated to an actual violent crime. What's not to understand?