Mildly interesting
@LuFins-Dad said in Mildly interesting:
I stand corrected in the minutiae, but stand firm on the trivial.
Do Octopus Have Tentacles Or Arms?
An Octopus has eight appendages which is what gives them that famous alien-like appearance that many find so frightening.
Each of which has rows of suckers running down its length. But these are not tentacles as you may expect, and in strict anatomical terms, they are arms.
Sea Life biologist Oliver Walenciak said, “one can assume that the front six tentacles have the function of arms and that the back two take over the function of legs.”
However, unlike humans or some other animals, most Octopuses did not appear to be left or right-handed.
What Is The Difference Between Arms And Tentacles?
The main difference between arms and tentacles is that arms, like those of an octopus, have suction cups the entire length of the limb.
Whereas tentacles only have suction cups near the end of the limb. Some cephalopods have arms, whilst some have tentacles, and some even have both.
Cephalopod tentacles and arms lack bones; instead, they are built from an intricate tapestry of coiling muscle fibers.
wrote on 1 Nov 2022, 18:05 last edited by@George-K said in Mildly interesting:
@LuFins-Dad said in Mildly interesting:
I stand corrected in the minutiae, but stand firm on the trivial.
Do Octopus Have Tentacles Or Arms?
An Octopus has eight appendages which is what gives them that famous alien-like appearance that many find so frightening.
Each of which has rows of suckers running down its length. But these are not tentacles as you may expect, and in strict anatomical terms, they are arms.
Sea Life biologist Oliver Walenciak said, “one can assume that the front six tentacles have the function of arms and that the back two take over the function of legs.”
However, unlike humans or some other animals, most Octopuses did not appear to be left or right-handed.
What Is The Difference Between Arms And Tentacles?
The main difference between arms and tentacles is that arms, like those of an octopus, have suction cups the entire length of the limb.
Whereas tentacles only have suction cups near the end of the limb. Some cephalopods have arms, whilst some have tentacles, and some even have both.
Cephalopod tentacles and arms lack bones; instead, they are built from an intricate tapestry of coiling muscle fibers.
wrote on 2 Nov 2022, 09:58 last edited by
(May have mentioned this before so apology if I did).
Of all the major cities in the world, if you take an average temperature from 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, the hottest city in the world is Bangkok.
wrote on 3 Nov 2022, 02:16 last edited by
wrote on 3 Nov 2022, 02:36 last edited by
Very interesting, Mark
wrote on 3 Nov 2022, 04:38 last edited by
wrote on 3 Nov 2022, 06:02 last edited by
wrote on 3 Nov 2022, 11:33 last edited by
This is what Roman roads looked like. A perfectly preserved section of Roman road. Part of the Flaminian Way.
wrote on 3 Nov 2022, 12:05 last edited by@taiwan_girl said in Mildly interesting:
This is what Roman roads looked like. A perfectly preserved section of Roman road. Part of the Flaminian Way.
@taiwan_girl said in Mildly interesting:
This is what Roman roads looked like. A perfectly preserved section of Roman road. Part of the Flaminian Way.
wrote on 5 Nov 2022, 13:55 last edited by
wrote on 6 Nov 2022, 12:16 last edited by
What is a "Dead Loop?"
The ‘Dead Loop’ is a classic gymnastic move that consists of a gymnast standing on the high bar, performing a backflip and grasping the bar again. Needless to say, it is a dangerous stunt and can go horribly wrong if the gymnast misses his or her footing or does not manage to grasp the bar in the end.
wrote on 6 Nov 2022, 15:41 last edited by
Fast Fourier transform, surprisingly mathematically accessible.
Link to video -
wrote on 6 Nov 2022, 15:45 last edited by
Watch repair. This guy’s channel is zen. Too bad you have to watch rather than just listen. His voice over would be a perfect soporific.
Link to video -
wrote on 6 Nov 2022, 15:49 last edited by
wrote on 6 Nov 2022, 19:18 last edited by
wrote on 7 Nov 2022, 03:33 last edited by
@jon-nyc Must really like Cheetohs I guess.
wrote on 7 Nov 2022, 04:09 last edited by
@George-K said in Mildly interesting:
No idea if this is true or not. Searches are not helpful.
OperaTenor would have known...
wrote on 8 Nov 2022, 08:43 last edited by
wrote on 8 Nov 2022, 21:33 last edited by
wrote on 8 Nov 2022, 21:42 last edited by
@George-K said in Mildly interesting:
After the Republicans win tonight we will be outlawing such witchcraft. Let’s see the progressives conjure a satanic flame extinguisher, when they are tied to the burning stake.