Everything old is new again
Trump working with Gingrich on a new 'Contract for America' for 2022.
This would have worked had they fulfilled the promises in the 1994 one. Like term limits. 'Hey, we MEAN it this time!'. The Dems will make hay here.
Not promising. Many people say Trump not good at fulfilling his end of the contract, see, for examples, https://www.inc.com/jessica-stillman/meet-the-many-small-business-owners-stiffed-by-donald-trump.html
Another recent example of Trump not holding up his end of the deal:
“Many of former President Donald Trump's political appointees got a nasty surprise when they left the government: A big tax bill.
They've been ordered to immediately repay months of payroll taxes that had been deferred under a bid by Trump to boost the economy ahead of last year’s elections — levies he had assured them would later be forgiven.”
Fool me once, shame on you ... If you got fooled over 30,573 times and still want to “contract” with him, you’ve got to be some special kind of special.