Moore, Trump, and the Southern Babtists
This is probably one of the more neutral reporting. I have seen other who frame the story as the Southern Babtists getting rid of anti-Trumpers. @Jolly what say you about Russell Moore leaving the Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission?
Russel Moore was going to hit the bricks by 6/30/21, jobless. The SBC is conservative. Moore, increasingly, was not.
The Trump stuff is just fluff for folks like you.
There currently is a small war being waged within the denomination over people pushing many Leftist ideas. The promotion of homosexuality as no longer a sin, with gay marriage tolerated by the church. The adoption of CRT, in some form or another.
Ain't gonna happen. The Conference would literally tear itself asunder over such non-Biblical balderdash and the associations (and the money) ain't going with the Moore's of the SBC.