Cops' lives don't matter
The number of officers killed as a result of criminal acts in 2020 was two less than the 48 officers who were feloniously killed in 2019.
The 5- and 10-year comparisons show a decrease of 20 felonious deaths compared with the 2016 figure (66 officers) and a decrease of 26 deaths compared with 2011 data (72 officers).
Officer Profiles. The average age of the officers who were feloniously killed was 39 years old. The victim officers had served in law enforcement for an average of 12 years at the times of the fatal incidents. Of the 46 officers:
41 were male
5 were female
32 were white
10 were Black/African American
2 were Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
1 was American Indian/Alaska Native.
The race of 1 officer who died was not reported. -
That's way less than the number of abortions every year, so what's the problem?
That's way less than the number of abortions every year, so what's the problem?
@doctor-phibes said in Cops' lives don't matter:
That's way less than the number of abortions every year, so what's the problem?
It's the loss of life where the two find common ground and equal importance.
I think you may have missed the sarcasm. Obviously, this statistic is awful.