More on Christopher Steele
WSJ: "All of this underscores that the great scandal of 2016 wasn’t Russian collusion. It was the unleashing of America’s premier law enforcement agency against a presidential campaign based on Russian disinformation midwifed and financed by the Clinton campaign. The public is finally getting the truth about the FBI’s malfeasance, and Messrs. Barr and Durham deserve credit for exposing it."
The Washington Post has a story this AM:
"It’s still uncertain whether Durham will issue any findings before Election Day, but the two releases may serve a similar purpose: providing fresh ammunition for conservatives’ arguments that the FBI’s pursuit of the president was unfair and unfounded."
"Republicans quickly seized on the details of the FBI’s old suspicions of Danchenko."
At least the Republicans didn't pounce.
The New York Times is still silent, as is MSNBC.