It was a good idea in 1943.
@jolly said in It was a good idea in 1943.:
Large carries are a great way of projecting power.
THey're also really great targets.
I have to wonder why other nations haven't committed to building a fleet of carriers.
@klaus said in It was a good idea in 1943.:
Italy has two aircraft carriers?
Germany never could get theirs finished (back in the day).
While crossing the James River this AM on the James River Bridge heading to Costco in Newport News, the drawbridge was open.
This is a big bridge, about 5 miles long.
While waiting for the drawbridge I could see 3 aircraft carriers.
The Enterprise CVN 65 is in dry dock just left of center under the huge blue crane. Known as the big "E" this carrier was decommissioned 6 or 7 years ago, since then they have been trying to figure out how to take apart a nuclear carrier. That dry dock is where they build all the carriers, so if it is on that prime real estate they must finally be doing something. You can see the big "E" painted on the tower.
To the right of that under the next big blue crane is , I believe, the Kennedy CVN 78, the newest of the Ford class.
Next to that, just at the right edge appears to be a carrier tower covered with scaffolding. I couldn't quite see it.
The Ford has been in and out of port, but is, I think, off the coast now.
I think this stuff is cool.

You can just make out the big "E"