"The Knick"
I really enjoyed Steven Soderbergh's "The Knick" about a turn-of-the-century hospital in New York. Clive Owen played the troubled Dr. Thackery:
In New York City in 1900, the Knickerbocker Hospital operates with inventive surgeons, nurses and staff who struggle against the limitations of medical understanding and practice, to minimize morbidity and mortality. Dr. John Thackery (partially based on historical figure William Stewart Halsted), the new leader of the surgery staff, balances his cocaine and opium addictions against his ambition for medical discovery and his reputation among his peers.[6] Dr. Algernon Edwards, a Harvard-educated Black American surgeon (probably based on the historical Daniel Hale Williams and Louis T. Wright) who trained in Paris, and is much more qualified than any other candidate, must fight for respect among the all-white hospital staff, as well as in the racially charged city.[7] While struggling to keep the lights on, the hospital attempts to attract a wealthy clientele, without sacrificing quality of care.
Well, it might be coming back after a 5 year hiatus:
Rad. It really was an awesome show.